Source code for SPCA.Decorrelation_helper

import scipy
import scipy.stats as sp
import scipy.optimize as spopt

import emcee
import corner

from astropy import constants as const
from astropy import units

import numpy as np
import time as t
import os, sys, errno
import csv
from tqdm import tqdm

from multiprocessing import Pool
from threadpoolctl import threadpool_limits

import warnings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

import astropy.time
from astropy.stats import sigma_clip
from astropy.table import Table
from import fits

import urllib.request

# SPCA libraries
from SPCA import helpers, astro_models, make_plots, make_plots_custom, detec_models, bliss, freeze

# FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def downloadExoplanetArchive(): #Download the most recent masterfile of the best data on each target try: _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve('', './masterfile.ecsv') except: print('Unable to download the most recent Exoplanet Archive data - analyses will resort to a previously downloaded version if available.') return
# FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def loadArchivalData(rootpath, planet, channel): if os.path.exists('./masterfile.ecsv'): data = Table.to_pandas('./masterfile.ecsv')) else: # Fix: throw a proper error print('ERROR: No previously downloaded Exoplanet Archive data - try again when you are connected to the internet.') print(FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), './masterfile.ecsv')) return names = np.array(data['pl_hostname'])+np.array(data['pl_letter']) names = np.array([name.replace(' ','').replace('-', '').replace('_','') for name in names]) # make params obj p0_obj = helpers.signal_params() # Personalize object default object values p0_obj['name'] = planet indices = np.where(names==planet.replace(' ','').replace('-', '').split('_')[0])[0] if len(indices)==0: # Fix: throw a proper error print('ERROR: Planet', planet, 'not found in the Exoplanet Archive - please load your own prior values.') return nameIndex = indices[0] if np.isfinite(data['pl_ratror'][nameIndex]): p0_obj['rp'] = data['pl_ratror'][nameIndex] else: p0_obj['rp'] = data['pl_rads'][nameIndex]/data['st_rad'][nameIndex] if np.isfinite(data['pl_ratdor'][nameIndex]): p0_obj['a'] = data['pl_ratdor'][nameIndex] p0_obj['a_err'] = np.mean([data['pl_ratdorerr1'][nameIndex], np.abs(data['pl_ratdorerr2'][nameIndex])]) else: p0_obj['a'] = data['pl_orbsmax'][nameIndex]*['st_rad'][nameIndex]/const.R_sun.value p0_obj['a_err'] = np.sqrt( (np.mean([data['pl_orbsmaxerr1'][nameIndex], np.abs(data['pl_orbsmaxerr2'][nameIndex])])* /data['st_rad'][nameIndex]/const.R_sun.value)**2 + (data['pl_orbsmax'][nameIndex]* /data['st_rad'][nameIndex]**2/const.R_sun.value *np.mean([data['st_raderr1'][nameIndex], np.abs(data['st_raderr2'][nameIndex])]))**2 ) p0_obj['per'] = data['pl_orbper'][nameIndex] p0_obj['per_err'] = np.mean([data['pl_orbpererr1'][nameIndex], np.abs(data['pl_orbpererr2'][nameIndex])]) p0_obj['t0'] = data['pl_tranmid'][nameIndex]-2.4e6-0.5 p0_obj['t0_err'] = np.mean([data['pl_tranmiderr1'][nameIndex], np.abs(data['pl_tranmiderr2'][nameIndex])]) p0_obj['inc'] = data['pl_orbincl'][nameIndex] p0_obj['inc_err'] = np.mean([data['pl_orbinclerr1'][nameIndex], np.abs(data['pl_orbinclerr2'][nameIndex])]) p0_obj['Tstar'] = data['st_teff'][nameIndex] p0_obj['Tstar_err'] = np.mean([data['st_tefferr1'][nameIndex], np.abs(data['st_tefferr2'][nameIndex])]) p0_obj['logg'] = data['st_logg'][nameIndex] p0_obj['feh'] = data['st_metfe'][nameIndex] e = data['pl_orbeccen'][nameIndex] argp = data['pl_orblper'][nameIndex] if e != 0 and np.isfinite(e): if not np.isfinite(argp): print('Randomly generating an argument of periastron...') argp = np.random.uniform(0.,360.,1) p0_obj['ecosw'] = e/np.sqrt(1+np.tan(argp*np.pi/180.)**2) if 90 < argp < 270: p0_obj['ecosw']*=-1 p0_obj['esinw'] = np.tan(argp*np.pi/180.)*p0_obj['ecosw'] # Get the stellar brightness temperature to allow us to invert Plank equation later p0_obj['tstar_b'], p0_obj['tstar_b_err'] = getTstarBright(rootpath, planet, channel, p0_obj) return p0_obj
# FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def loadCustomData(rootpath, planet, channel, rp, a, per, t0, inc, e, argp, Tstar, logg, feh, rp_err=np.inf, a_err=np.inf, t0_err=np.inf, per_err=np.inf, inc_err=np.inf, e_err=np.inf, argp_err=np.inf, Tstar_err=np.inf): # make params obj p0_obj = helpers.signal_params() # Personalize object default object values p0_obj['name'] = planet p0_obj['rp'] = rp p0_obj['rp_err'] = np.abs(rp_err) p0_obj['a'] = a p0_obj['a_err'] = np.abs(a_err) p0_obj['per'] = per p0_obj['per_err'] = np.abs(per_err) p0_obj['t0'] = t0-2.4e6-0.5 p0_obj['t0_err'] = np.abs(t0_err) p0_obj['inc'] = inc p0_obj['inc_err'] = np.abs(inc_err) p0_obj['Tstar'] = Tstar p0_obj['Tstar_err'] = np.abs(Tstar_err) p0_obj['logg'] = logg p0_obj['feh'] = feh if e != 0: if not np.isfinite(argp): print('Randomly generating an argument of periastron...') argp = np.random.uniform(0.,360.,1) p0_obj['ecosw'] = e/np.sqrt(1+np.tan(argp*np.pi/180.)**2) if 90 < argp < 270: p0_obj['ecosw']*=-1 p0_obj['esinw'] = np.tan(argp*np.pi/180.)*p0_obj['ecosw'] # Get the stellar brightness temperature to allow us to invert Plank equation later p0_obj['tstar_b'], p0_obj['tstar_b_err'] = getTstarBright(rootpath, planet, channel, p0_obj) return p0_obj
# FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def getTstarBright(rootpath, planet, channel, p0_obj): # Get the phoenix file ready to compute the stellar brightness temperature teffStr = p0_obj['Tstar'] if teffStr <= 7000: teffStr = teffStr - (teffStr%100) + np.rint((teffStr%100)/100)*100 elif teffStr > 7000: teffStr = teffStr - (teffStr%200) + np.rint((teffStr%200)/200)*200 elif teffStr > 12000: teffStr = 12000 teffStr = str(int(teffStr)).zfill(5) logg = p0_obj['logg'] if np.isnan(logg): logg = 4.5 logg = logg - (logg%0.5) + np.rint((logg%0.5)*2)/2. logg = -logg feh = p0_obj['feh'] if np.isnan(feh): feh = 0. feh = (feh - (feh%0.5) + np.rint((feh%0.5)*2)/2.) if feh<-2.: feh = (feh - (feh%1) + np.rint((feh%1))) webfolder = '' phoenixPath = rootpath+planet+'/phoenix/' phoenixWavFile = phoenixPath+'WAVE_PHOENIX-ACES-AGSS-COND-2011.fits' if not os.path.exists(phoenixPath): os.mkdir(phoenixPath) try: _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve(webfolder+'WAVE_PHOENIX-ACES-AGSS-COND-2011.fits', phoenixWavFile) except: # Fix: throw a proper error print('ERROR: No previously downloaded PHOENIX data - try again when you are connected to the internet.') exit() print('Done download.') webfolder += 'PHOENIX-ACES-AGSS-COND-2011/Z'+("{0:+.01f}".format(feh) if feh!=0 else '-0.0')+'/' webfile = ('lte'+teffStr +("{0:+.02f}".format(logg) if logg!=0 else '-0.00') +("{0:+.01f}".format(feh) if feh!=0 else '-0.0') +'.PHOENIX-ACES-AGSS-COND-2011-HiRes.fits') phoenixSpectraFile = phoenixPath+webfile if not os.path.exists(phoenixSpectraFile): print('Downloading relevant PHOENIX spectra...') try: _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve(webfolder+webfile, phoenixSpectraFile) except: # Fix: throw a proper error print('ERROR: No previously downloaded PHOENIX data - try again when you are connected to the internet.') exit() print('Done download.') with as f: fStar = f[0].data*1e-1 # 'erg/s/cm^2/cm' to kg/s^3 with as f: wavStar = f[0].data*1e-4 # angstrom to micron def planck(wav, T): intensity = ((2.0*const.h.value*const.c.value**2) / (wav**5 * (np.exp(const.h.value*const.c.value/(wav*const.k_B.value*T)) - 1.0))) return intensity def fluxDiff(temp, fStarSummed, wavs): #factor of pi likely needed to account for emitting area (pi*rstar^2 where rstar=1) return (np.sum(planck(wavs, temp)*np.pi)-fStarSummed)**2 temps = np.linspace(3000, 11000, 801, endpoint=True) if channel == 'ch1': incides = np.where(np.logical_and(wavStar < 4., wavStar > 3.))[0] else: incides = np.where(np.logical_and(wavStar < 5., wavStar > 4.))[0] diffs = [fluxDiff(temp, np.sum(fStar[incides]), wavStar[incides]*1e-6) for temp in temps] tstar_b = temps[np.argmin(diffs)] # Assuming uncertainty on brightness temperature is close to uncertainty on effective temperature return tstar_b, p0_obj['Tstar_err']
# FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def findPhotometry(rootpath, planet, channel, mode, pldIgnoreFrames=True, pldAddStack=False): AOR_snip = '' with open(rootpath+planet+'/analysis/aorSnippet.txt') as f: AOR_snip = f.readline().strip() mainpath = rootpath+planet+'/analysis/'+channel+'/' ignoreFrames = np.array([]) if 'pld' in mode.lower(): foldername = mainpath if pldIgnoreFrames: with open(mainpath+'PLD_ignoreFrames.txt') as f: line = f.readline() ignoreFrames = np.array(line.strip().replace(' ','').split('=')[1].split(',')) if np.all(ignoreFrames==['']): ignoreFrames = np.array([]).astype(int) else: ignoreFrames = ignoreFrames.astype(int) else: ignoreFrames = np.array([]).astype(int) if pldAddStack: foldername += 'addedStack/' else: foldername += 'addedBlank/' if len(ignoreFrames)==0: foldername += 'noIgnore/' else: foldername += 'ignore/' if channel=='ch2': foldername += '4um' else: foldername += '3um' foldername += 'PLD_' foldername += mode.split('x')[0][-1]+'x'+mode.split('x')[1][0]+'/' else: phoption = '' rms = None with open(mainpath+'bestPhOption.txt') as f: lines = f.readlines() for i in range(len(lines)): if phoption=='' and lines[i][0]=='/': foldername = rootpath+lines[i][lines[i].find(planet):].strip()+'/' phoption = lines[i].split('/')[-1].strip() i += 1 ignoreFrames = np.array(lines[i].strip().split('=')[1].replace(' ','').split(',')) if np.all(ignoreFrames==['']): ignoreFrames = np.array([]).astype(int) else: ignoreFrames = ignoreFrames.astype(int) i += 1 rms = float(lines[i]) elif phoption!='' and lines[i][0]=='/': if float(lines[i+2]) < rms: foldername = rootpath+lines[i][lines[i].find(planet):].strip()+'/' phoption = lines[i].split('/')[-1].strip() i += 1 ignoreFrames = np.array(lines[i].split('=')[1].replace(' ','').split(',')) if np.all(ignoreFrames==['']): ignoreFrames = np.array([]).astype(int) else: ignoreFrames = ignoreFrames.astype(int) i += 1 rms = float(lines[i]) else: i += 3 # path where outputs are saved savepath = foldername + mode + '/' if not os.path.exists(savepath): os.makedirs(savepath) aors = os.listdir(rootpath+planet+'/data/'+channel) aors = np.sort([aor for aor in aors if AOR_snip==aor[:len(AOR_snip)]]) AOR_snip = AOR_snip[1:] # path to photometry outputs filename = channel + '_datacube_binned_AORs'+AOR_snip+'.dat' filename_full = channel + '_datacube_full_AORs'+AOR_snip+'.dat' # Path to previous mcmc results (optional) path_params = foldername + mode + '/ResultMCMC_'+mode+'_Params.npy' return foldername, filename, filename_full, savepath, path_params, AOR_snip, aors, ignoreFrames
# FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def find_breaks(rootpath, planet, channel, aors): breaks = [] for aor in aors: rawfiles = np.sort(os.listdir(rootpath+planet+'/data/'+channel+'/'+aor+'/'+channel+'/bcd/')) rawfiles = [rawfile for rawfile in rawfiles if '_bcd.fits' in rawfile] rawImage ='/data/'+channel+'/'+aor+'/'+channel+'/bcd/'+rawfiles[0]) # Get the time of the first exposure of each AOR after the first # - this allows us to plot dashed lines where AOR breaks happen and where jump discontinuities happen breaks.append(rawImage[0].header['BMJD_OBS'] + rawImage[0].header['FRAMTIME']/2/3600/24) rawHeader = rawImage[0].header rawImage.close() # Remove the first break which is just the start of observations return np.sort(breaks)[1:]
# FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def get_photon_limit(path, mode, nFrames, ignoreFrames): if 'pld' in mode.lower() and 'pldaper' not in mode.lower(): if '3x3' in mode.lower(): npix = 3 elif '5x5' in mode.lower(): npix = 5 else: # FIX, throw an actual error print('Error: only 3x3 and 5x5 boxes for PLD are supported.') return np.nan stamp = np.loadtxt(path, usecols=np.arange(int(npix**2)), skiprows=1).T flux = np.nansum(stamp, axis=0) else: flux = np.loadtxt(path, usecols=[0], skiprows=1) return 1/np.sqrt(np.nanmedian(flux))/np.sqrt(nFrames-len(ignoreFrames))*1e6
# FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def get_photon_limit_oldData(rootpath, datapath, datapath_aper, planet, channel, mode, aors, nFrames, ignoreFrames): #This function is to be used with old photometry to allow for recalculating photon noise limits given the # old data had incorrect units for making photon noise calculations aor = aors[-1] rawfiles = np.sort(os.listdir(rootpath+planet+'/data/'+channel+'/'+aor+'/'+channel+'/bcd/')) rawfiles = [rawfile for rawfile in rawfiles if '_bcd.fits' in rawfile] with'/data/'+channel+'/'+aor+'/'+channel+'/bcd/'+rawfiles[0]) as rawImage: rawHeader = rawImage[0].header if 'pld' in mode.lower() and 'pldaper' not in mode.lower(): if '3x3' in mode.lower(): npix = 3 elif '5x5' in mode.lower(): npix = 5 flux = np.loadtxt(datapath, usecols=list(np.arange(npix**2).astype(int)), skiprows=1) # mJr/str flux = np.sum(flux, axis=1) else: if 'pldaper' in mode.lower(): datapath = datapath_aper # Calculate the photon noise limit flux = np.loadtxt(datapath, usecols=[0], skiprows=1) # mJr/str convfact = rawHeader['GAIN']*rawHeader['EXPTIME']/rawHeader['FLUXCONV'] ecnt2Mjy = - rawHeader['PXSCAL1']*rawHeader['PXSCAL2']*(1/convfact) flux /= ecnt2Mjy return 1/np.sqrt(np.median(flux))/np.sqrt(nFrames-len(ignoreFrames))*1e6
# FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def get_detector_functions(mode): signalfunc = detec_models.signal if 'poly' in mode.lower(): detecfunc = detec_models.detec_model_poly elif 'pld' in mode.lower(): detecfunc = detec_models.detec_model_PLD elif 'bliss' in mode.lower(): detecfunc = detec_models.detec_model_bliss elif 'gp' in mode.lower(): detecfunc = detec_models.detec_model_GP else: raise NotImplementedError('Only Polynomial, PLD, BLISS, and GP models are currently implemented! \nmode=\''+mode+'\' does not include \'poly\', \'Poly\', \'PLD\', \'pld\', \'bliss\', \'BLISS\', \'gp\', or \'GP\'.') return signalfunc, detecfunc
# FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def setup_gpriors(gparams, p0_obj): priors = [] errs = [] if 't0' in gparams: priors.append(p0_obj['t0']) errs.append(p0_obj['t0_err']) if 'per' in gparams: priors.append(p0_obj['per']) errs.append(p0_obj['per_err']) if 'a' in gparams: priors.append(p0_obj['a']) errs.append(p0_obj['a_err']) if 'inc' in gparams: priors.append(p0_obj['inc']) errs.append(p0_obj['inc_err']) return priors, errs
# FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def reload_old_fit(path_params, p0_obj): Table_par = np.load(path_params) # table of best-fit params from prev. run nparams = p0_obj['params'][np.logical_not(np.in1d(p0_obj['params'], dparams))] # get the name list of params to be fitted for name in nparams: try: p0_obj[name] = Table_par[name][0] except Exception as e: # FIX: throw a more meaningful error message print("type error: " + str(e)) # catch errors if you use values from fun with less params return
# FIX: Add a docstring for this function # FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def plot_walkers(savepath, mode, p0_astro, p0_fancyLabels, chain, plotCorner, showPlot=False): # FIX - show plots if requested ndim = chain.shape[-1] samples = chain.reshape((-1, ndim)) ind_a = len(p0_astro) # index where the astro params end labels = p0_fancyLabels[:ind_a] fname = savepath+'MCMC_'+mode+'_astroWalkers.pdf' make_plots.walk_style(ind_a, chain.shape[0], chain, 10, chain.shape[1], labels, fname, showPlot) if 'bliss' not in mode.lower() or r'$\sigma_F$' in p0_fancyLabels: labels = p0_fancyLabels[ind_a:] fname = savepath+'MCMC_'+mode+'_detecWalkers.pdf' make_plots.walk_style(len(p0_fancyLabels)-ind_a, chain.shape[0], chain[:,:,ind_a:], 10, chain.shape[1], labels, fname, showPlot) if plotCorner: fig = corner.corner(samples[:,:ind_a], labels=p0_fancyLabels, quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84], show_titles=True, plot_datapoints=True, title_kwargs={"fontsize": 12}) plotname = savepath + 'MCMC_'+mode+'_corner.pdf' fig.savefig(plotname, bbox_inches='tight') if showPlot: plt.close() return
# FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def burnIn(p0, mode, p0_labels, p0_fancyLabels, dparams, gparams, astrofunc, detecfunc, signalfunc, lnpriorfunc, time, flux, astro_guess, resid, detec_inputs, signal_inputs, gpriorInds, priors, errs, upriorInds, uparams_limits, gammaInd, ncpu, savepath, showPlot=False): if 'gp' in mode.lower(): return burnIn_GP(p0, mode, p0_labels, p0_fancyLabels, dparams, gparams, astrofunc, detecfunc, signalfunc, lnpriorfunc, time, flux, astro_guess, resid, detec_inputs, signal_inputs, gpriorInds, priors, errs, upriorInds, uparams_limits, gammaInd, ncpu, savepath, showPlot=showPlot) p0_astro = freeze.get_fitted_params(astro_models.ideal_lightcurve, dparams) p0_detec = freeze.get_fitted_params(detecfunc, dparams) p0_psfwi = freeze.get_fitted_params(detec_models.detec_model_PSFW, dparams) p0_hside = freeze.get_fitted_params(detec_models.hside, dparams) p0_tslope = freeze.get_fitted_params(detec_models.tslope, dparams) ################# # Run optimization on just detector parameters first ################# if 'bliss' not in mode: # Should work for PLD and Poly spyFunc0 = lambda p0_temp, inputs: np.mean((resid-detecfunc(inputs, **dict([[p0_detec[i], p0_temp[i]] for i in range(len(p0_detec))])))**2) spyResult0 = scipy.optimize.minimize(spyFunc0, p0[np.where(np.in1d(p0_labels,p0_detec))], detec_inputs, 'Nelder-Mead') # replace p0 with new detector coefficient values p0[np.where(np.in1d(p0_labels,p0_detec))] = spyResult0.x resid /= detecfunc(detec_inputs, **dict([[p0_detec[i], p0[np.where(np.in1d(p0_labels,p0_detec))][i]] for i in range(len(p0_detec))])) # 2) get initial guess for psfw model if 'psfw' in mode.lower(): spyFunc0 = lambda p0_temp: np.mean((resid-psfwifunc([psfxw, psfyw], **dict([[p0_pfswi[i], p0_temp[i]] for i in range(len(p0_pfswi))])))**2) spyResult0 = scipy.optimize.minimize(spyFunc0, p0[np.where(np.in1d(p0_labels,p0_psfwi))], method='Nelder-Mead') # replace p0 with new detector coefficient values if spyResult0.success: p0[np.where(np.in1d(p0_labels,p0_psfwi))] = spyResult0.x resid /= psfwifunc([psfxw, psfyw], **dict([[p0_detec[i], p0[np.where(np.in1d(p0_labels,p0_pfswi))][i]] for i in range(len(p0_pfswi))])) # 3) get initial guess for hside model if 'hside' in mode.lower(): spyFunc0 = lambda p0_temp: np.mean((resid-hsidefunc(time, **dict([[p0_hside[i], p0_temp[i]] for i in range(len(p0_hside))])))**2) spyResult0 = scipy.optimize.minimize(spyFunc0, p0[np.where(np.in1d(p0_labels,p0_hside))], method='Nelder-Mead') # replace p0 with new detector coefficient values if spyResult0.success: p0[np.where(np.in1d(p0_labels,p0_hside))] = spyResult0.x resid /= hsidefunc(time, **dict([[p0_detec[i], p0[np.where(np.in1d(p0_labels,p0_hside))][i]] for i in range(len(p0_hside))])) if 'tslope' in mode.lower(): spyFunc0 = lambda p0_temp: np.mean((resid-tslopefunc(time, **dict([[p0_tslope[i], p0_temp[i]] for i in range(len(p0_tslope))])))**2) spyResult0 = scipy.optimize.minimize(spyFunc0, p0[np.where(np.in1d(p0_labels,p0_tslope))], method='Nelder-Mead') # replace p0 with new detector coefficient values if spyResult0.success: p0[np.where(np.in1d(p0_labels,p0_tslope))] = spyResult0.x resid /= tslopefunc(time, **dict([[p0_detec[i], p0[np.where(np.in1d(p0_labels,p0_tslope))][i]] for i in range(len(p0_tslope))])) # initial guess signal_guess = signalfunc(signal_inputs, **dict([[p0_labels[i], p0[i]] for i in range(len(p0))])) #includes psfw and/or hside functions if they're being fit detec_full_guess = signal_guess/astro_guess make_plots.plot_init_guess(time, flux, astro_guess, detec_full_guess, savepath, showPlot) ################# # Run an initial MCMC burn-in and pick the best location found along the way ################# # ndim = len(p0) # nwalkers = ndim*3 # nBurnInSteps1 = 25500 # Chosen to give 500 steps per walker for Poly2v1 and 250 steps per walker for Poly5v2 # # get scattered starting point in parameter space # # MUST HAVE THE INITIAL SPREAD SUCH THAT EVERY SINGLE WALKER PASSES lnpriorfunc AND lnprior_custom # p0_rel_errs = 1e-4*np.ones_like(p0) # gpriorInds = [np.where(p0_labels==gpar)[0][0] for gpar in gparams] # p0_rel_errs[gpriorInds] = np.array(errs)/np.array(priors) # pos0 = np.array([p0*(1+p0_rel_errs*np.random.randn(ndim))+p0_rel_errs/10.*np.abs(np.random.randn(ndim)) for i in range(nwalkers)]) # checkPhasePhis = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,1000) # priorlnls = np.array([(lnpriorfunc(mode=mode, checkPhasePhis=checkPhasePhis, **dict([[p0_labels[i], p_tmp[i]] for i in range(len(p_tmp))])) != 0.0 or np.isinf(helpers.lnprior_custom(p_tmp, gpriorInds, priors, errs, upriorInds, uparams_limits, gammaInd))) for p_tmp in pos0]) # iters = 10 # while np.any(priorlnls) and iters>0: # # print('Warning: Some of the initial values fail the lnprior!') # # print('Trying to re-draw positions...') # p0_rel_errs /= 1.5 # pos0[priorlnls] = np.array([p0*(1+p0_rel_errs*np.random.randn(ndim))+p0_rel_errs/10.*np.abs(np.random.randn(ndim)) for i in range(np.sum(priorlnls))]) # priorlnls = np.array([(lnpriorfunc(mode=mode, checkPhasePhis=checkPhasePhis, **dict([[p0_labels[i], p_tmp[i]] for i in range(len(p_tmp))])) != 0.0 or np.isinf(helpers.lnprior_custom(p_tmp, gpriorInds, priors, errs, upriorInds, uparams_limits, gammaInd))) for p_tmp in pos0]) # iters -= 1 # if iters==0 and np.any(priorlnls): # print('Warning: Some of the initial values still fail the lnprior and the following MCMC will likely not work!') # #First burn-in # tic = t.time() # print('Running first burn-in') # with threadpool_limits(limits=1, user_api='blas'): # # if True: # with Pool(ncpu) as pool: # #sampler # sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, helpers.lnprob, args=[p0_labels, signalfunc, lnpriorfunc, signal_inputs, checkPhasePhis, gpriorInds, priors, errs, upriorInds, uparams_limits, gammaInd], a = 2, pool=pool) # pos1, prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc(pos0, np.rint(nBurnInSteps1/nwalkers), progress=True) # print('Mean burn-in acceptance fraction: {0:.3f}' # .format(np.median(sampler.acceptance_fraction))) # p0 = sampler.flatchain[np.argmax(sampler.flatlnprobability)] # fname = savepath+'MCMC_'+mode+'_burnin1Walkers.pdf' # fig = make_plots.walk_style(len(p0), nwalkers, sampler.chain, 10, int(np.rint(nBurnInSteps1/nwalkers)), p0_fancyLabels, # fname, showPlot) # spyFunc_full = lambda p0_temp, inputs: -helpers.lnprob(p0_temp, *inputs) # spyResult_full = scipy.optimize.minimize(spyFunc_full, p0, [p0_labels, signalfunc, lnpriorfunc, signal_inputs, checkPhasePhis, gpriorInds, priors, errs, upriorInds, uparams_limits, gammaInd], 'Nelder-Mead') # p0 = spyResult_full.x # astro_guess = astrofunc(time, **dict([[p0_astro[i], p0[np.where(np.in1d(p0_labels,p0_astro))][i]] for i in range(len(p0_astro))])) # signal_guess = signalfunc(signal_inputs, **dict([[p0_labels[i], p0[i]] for i in range(len(p0))])) # #includes psfw and/or hside functions if they're being fit # detec_full_guess = signal_guess/astro_guess # make_plots.plot_init_guess(time, flux, astro_guess, detec_full_guess, savepath, showPlot) return p0
# FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def burnIn_GP(p0, mode, p0_labels, p0_fancyLabels, dparams, gparams, astrofunc, detecfunc, signalfunc, lnpriorfunc, time, flux, astro_guess, resid, detec_inputs, signal_inputs, gpriorInds, priors, errs, upriorInds, uparams_limits, gammaInd, ncpu, savepath, showPlot=False): p0_astro = freeze.get_fitted_params(astro_models.ideal_lightcurve, dparams) p0_detec = freeze.get_fitted_params(detecfunc, dparams) p0_psfwi = freeze.get_fitted_params(detec_models.detec_model_PSFW, dparams) p0_hside = freeze.get_fitted_params(detec_models.hside, dparams) p0_tslope = freeze.get_fitted_params(detec_models.tslope, dparams) ###################### # Iteratively run scipy optimize ###################### checkPhasePhis = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,1000) initial_lnprob = helpers.lnprob(p0, p0_labels, signalfunc, lnpriorfunc, signal_inputs, checkPhasePhis, gpriorInds, priors, errs, upriorInds, uparams_limits, gammaInd) spyFunc_full = lambda p0_temp, inputs: -helpers.lnprob(p0_temp, *inputs) nIterScipy = 10 final_lnprob = -np.inf p0_optimized = [] p0_temps = [] print('Running iterative scipy.optimize') for i in tqdm(range(nIterScipy)): p0_rel_errs = 1e-1*np.ones_like(p0) gpriorInds = [np.where(p0_labels==gpar)[0][0] for gpar in gparams] p0_rel_errs[gpriorInds] = np.array(errs)/np.array(priors) p0_temp = p0*(1+p0_rel_errs*np.random.randn(len(p0)))+p0_rel_errs/10.*np.abs(np.random.randn(len(p0))) p0_temp[p0_labels=='A'] = np.random.uniform(0.,0.3) p0_temp[p0_labels=='B'] = np.random.uniform(-0.2,0.2) # Assignment to non-existent indices is safe (safelt ignores it), so this is fine for all modes p0_temp[p0_labels=='C'] = np.random.uniform(-0.3,0.3) p0_temp[p0_labels=='D'] = np.random.uniform(-0.3,0.3) p0_temp[p0_labels=='gpAmp'] = np.random.uniform(-4,-6) p0_temp[p0_labels=='gpLx'] = np.random.uniform(-0.5,-1) p0_temp[p0_labels=='gpLy'] = np.random.uniform(-0.5,-1) spyResult_full = scipy.optimize.minimize(spyFunc_full, p0_temp, [p0_labels, signalfunc, lnpriorfunc, signal_inputs, checkPhasePhis, gpriorInds, priors, errs, upriorInds, uparams_limits, gammaInd], 'Nelder-Mead') lnprob_temp = helpers.lnprob(spyResult_full.x, p0_labels, signalfunc, lnpriorfunc, signal_inputs, checkPhasePhis, gpriorInds, priors, errs, upriorInds, uparams_limits, gammaInd) p0_temps.append(np.copy(spyResult_full.x)) if np.isfinite(lnprob_temp) and lnprob_temp > final_lnprob: final_lnprob = lnprob_temp p0_optimized = np.copy(spyResult_full.x) if final_lnprob > initial_lnprob: print('Improved ln-likelihood!') print("ln-likelihood: {0:.2f}".format(final_lnprob)) p0 = np.copy(p0_optimized) astro_guess = astrofunc(time, **dict([[p0_astro[i], p0[np.where(np.in1d(p0_labels,p0_astro))][i]] for i in range(len(p0_astro))])) signal_guess = signalfunc(signal_inputs, **dict([[p0_labels[i], p0[i]] for i in range(len(p0))])) #includes psfw and/or hside functions if they're being fit detec_full_guess = signal_guess/astro_guess if showPlot: # plot detector initial guess make_plots.plot_init_guess(time, flux, astro_guess, detec_full_guess) plt.close() ###################### # Iteratively run some MCMCs to break free of local minima ###################### print('Running first burn-ins') p0_temps_mcmc = [] for p0_temp in p0_temps: ndim = len(p0) nwalkers = ndim*3 nBurnInSteps1 = 25500 # Chosen to give 500 steps per walker for Poly2v1 and 250 steps per walker for Poly5v2 # get scattered starting point in parameter space # MUST HAVE THE INITIAL SPREAD SUCH THAT EVERY SINGLE WALKER PASSES lnpriorfunc AND lnprior_custom p0_rel_errs = 1e-3*np.ones_like(p0_temp) gpriorInds = [np.where(p0_labels==gpar)[0][0] for gpar in gparams] p0_rel_errs[gpriorInds] = np.array(errs)/np.array(priors) pos0 = np.array([p0_temp*(1+p0_rel_errs*np.random.randn(ndim))+p0_rel_errs/10.*np.abs(np.random.randn(ndim)) for i in range(nwalkers)]) checkPhasePhis = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,1000) priorlnls = np.array([(lnpriorfunc(mode=mode, checkPhasePhis=checkPhasePhis, **dict([[p0_labels[i], p_tmp[i]] for i in range(len(p_tmp))])) != 0.0 or np.isinf(helpers.lnprior_custom(p_tmp, gpriorInds, priors, errs, upriorInds, uparams_limits, gammaInd))) for p_tmp in pos0]) iters = 10 while np.any(priorlnls) and iters>0: # print('Warning: Some of the initial values fail the lnprior!') # print('Trying to re-draw positions...') p0_rel_errs /= 1.5 pos0[priorlnls] = np.array([p0*(1+p0_rel_errs*np.random.randn(ndim))+p0_rel_errs/10.*np.abs(np.random.randn(ndim)) for i in range(np.sum(priorlnls))]) priorlnls = np.array([(lnpriorfunc(mode=mode, checkPhasePhis=checkPhasePhis, **dict([[p0_labels[i], p_tmp[i]] for i in range(len(p_tmp))])) != 0.0 or np.isinf(helpers.lnprior_custom(p_tmp, gpriorInds, priors, errs, upriorInds, uparams_limits, gammaInd))) for p_tmp in pos0]) iters -= 1 if iters==0 and np.any(priorlnls): print('Warning: Some of the initial values still fail the lnprior and the following MCMC will likely not work!') #Second burn-in #Do quick burn-in to get walkers spread out tic = t.time() # with threadpool_limits(limits=1, user_api='blas'): if True: with Pool(ncpu) as pool: #sampler sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, helpers.lnprob, args=[p0_labels, signalfunc, lnpriorfunc, signal_inputs, checkPhasePhis, gpriorInds, priors, errs, upriorInds, uparams_limits, gammaInd], a = 2, pool=pool) pos1, prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc(pos0, np.rint(nBurnInSteps1/nwalkers), progress=False) print('Mean burn-in acceptance fraction: {0:.3f}' .format(np.median(sampler.acceptance_fraction))) # sampler.reset() toc = t.time() print('MCMC runtime = %.2f min\n' % ((toc-tic)/60.)) p0_temps_mcmc.append(np.copy(sampler.flatchain[np.argmax(sampler.flatlnprobability)])) ###################### # Iteratively run some MCMCs to break free of local minima ###################### checkPhasePhis = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,1000) initial_lnprob = helpers.lnprob(p0, p0_labels, signalfunc, lnpriorfunc, signal_inputs, checkPhasePhis, gpriorInds, priors, errs, upriorInds, uparams_limits, gammaInd) spyFunc_full = lambda p0_temp, inputs: -helpers.lnprob(p0_temp, *inputs) final_lnprob = -np.inf p0_optimized = [] p0_temps_final = [] print('Running second iterative scipy.optimize') for p0_temp in tqdm(p0_temps_mcmc): spyResult_full = scipy.optimize.minimize(spyFunc_full, p0_temp, [p0_labels, signalfunc, lnpriorfunc, signal_inputs, checkPhasePhis, gpriorInds, priors, errs, upriorInds, uparams_limits, gammaInd], 'Nelder-Mead') lnprob_temp = helpers.lnprob(spyResult_full.x, p0_labels, signalfunc, lnpriorfunc, signal_inputs, checkPhasePhis, gpriorInds, priors, errs, upriorInds, uparams_limits, gammaInd) p0_temps_final.append(np.copy(spyResult_full.x)) if np.isfinite(lnprob_temp) and lnprob_temp > final_lnprob: final_lnprob = lnprob_temp p0_optimized = np.copy(spyResult_full.x) if final_lnprob > initial_lnprob: print('Improved ln-likelihood!') print("ln-likelihood: {0:.2f}".format(final_lnprob)) p0 = np.copy(p0_optimized) astro_guess = astrofunc(time, **dict([[p0_astro[i], p0[np.where(np.in1d(p0_labels,p0_astro))][i]] for i in range(len(p0_astro))])) signal_guess = signalfunc(signal_inputs, **dict([[p0_labels[i], p0[i]] for i in range(len(p0))])) #includes psfw and/or hside functions if they're being fit detec_full_guess = signal_guess/astro_guess fig = make_plots.plot_init_guess(time, flux, astro_guess, detec_full_guess, savepath, showPlot) return p0
# FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def look_for_residual_correlations(time, flux, xdata, ydata, psfxw, psfyw, residuals, p0_mcmc, p0_labels, p0_obj, mode, savepath=None, showPlot=False): if 't0' in p0_labels: t0MCMC = p0_mcmc[np.where(p0_labels == 't0')[0][0]] else: t0MCMC = p0_obj['t0'] if 'per' in p0_labels: perMCMC = p0_mcmc[np.where(p0_labels == 'per')[0][0]] else: perMCMC = p0_obj['per'] if 'rp' in p0_labels: rpMCMC = p0_mcmc[np.where(p0_labels == 'rp')[0][0]] else: rpMCMC = p0_obj['rp'] if 'a' in p0_labels: aMCMC = p0_mcmc[np.where(p0_labels == 'a')[0][0]] else: aMCMC = p0_obj['a'] if 'inc' in p0_labels: incMCMC = p0_mcmc[np.where(p0_labels == 'inc')[0][0]] else: incMCMC = p0_obj['inc'] if 'ecosw' in p0_labels: ecoswMCMC = p0_mcmc[np.where(p0_labels == 'ecosw')[0][0]] else: ecoswMCMC = p0_obj['ecosw'] if 'esinw' in p0_labels: esinwMCMC = p0_mcmc[np.where(p0_labels == 'esinw')[0][0]] else: esinwMCMC = p0_obj['esinw'] if 'q1' in p0_labels: q1MCMC = p0_mcmc[np.where(p0_labels == 'q1')[0][0]] else: q1MCMC = p0_obj['q1'] if 'q2' in p0_labels: q2MCMC = p0_mcmc[np.where(p0_labels == 'q2')[0][0]] else: q2MCMC = p0_obj['q2'] if 'fp'in p0_labels: fpMCMC = p0_mcmc[np.where(p0_labels == 'fp')[0][0]] else: fpMCMC = p0_obj['fp'] eccMCMC = np.sqrt(ecoswMCMC**2 + esinwMCMC**2) wMCMC = np.arctan2(esinwMCMC, ecoswMCMC) u1MCMC = 2*np.sqrt(q1MCMC)*q2MCMC u2MCMC = np.sqrt(q1MCMC)*(1-2*q2MCMC) trans, t_sec, true_anom = astro_models.transit_model(time, t0MCMC, perMCMC, rpMCMC, aMCMC, incMCMC, eccMCMC, wMCMC, u1MCMC, u2MCMC) # generating secondary eclipses model eclip = astro_models.eclipse(time, t0MCMC, perMCMC, rpMCMC, aMCMC, incMCMC, eccMCMC, wMCMC, fpMCMC, t_sec) # get in-transit indices ind_trans = np.where(trans!=1) # get in-eclipse indices ind_eclip = np.where((eclip!=(1+fpMCMC))) # seperating first and second eclipse ind_ecli1 = ind_eclip[0][np.where(ind_eclip[0]<int(len(time)/2))] ind_ecli2 = ind_eclip[0][np.where(ind_eclip[0]>int(len(time)/2))] data1 = [xdata, ydata, psfxw, psfyw, flux, residuals] data2 = [xdata[ind_ecli1], ydata[ind_ecli1], psfxw[ind_ecli1], psfyw[ind_ecli1], flux[ind_ecli1], residuals[ind_ecli1]] data3 = [xdata[ind_trans], ydata[ind_trans], psfxw[ind_trans], psfyw[ind_trans], flux[ind_trans], residuals[ind_trans]] data4 = [xdata[ind_ecli2], ydata[ind_ecli2], psfxw[ind_ecli2], psfyw[ind_ecli2], flux[ind_ecli2], residuals[ind_ecli2]] if savepath is not None: plotname = savepath + 'MCMC_'+mode+'_7.pdf' else: plotname = None make_plots.triangle_colors(data1, data2, data3, data4, plotname, showPlot) return