Source code for SPCA.Photometry_PSF

import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy import stats as st
from scipy import optimize as opt

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches

from import fits
from astropy.stats import sigma_clip

import os, sys, csv, glob, warnings

from collections import Iterable

from .Photometry_Common import get_fnames, get_stacks, get_time, oversampling, sigma_clipping, bgsubtract, binning_data

[docs]def Gaussian2D(position, amp, xo, yo, sigx, sigy): ''' Create a 2D Gaussian array. Parameters ---------- position : 3D array Meshgrids of x and y indices of pixels. position[:,:,0] = x and position[:,:,1] = y. amp : float Amplitude of the 2D Gaussian. xo : float x value of the peak of the 2D Gaussian. yo : float y value of the peak of the 2D Gaussian. sigx : float Width of the 2D Gaussian along the x axis. sigy : float Width of the 2D Gaussian along the y axis. Returns ------- PSF.ravel(): 1D array z values of the 2D Gaussian raveled. ''' centroid = [yo, xo] cov = [[sigy**2, 0],[0, sigx**2]] rv = st.multivariate_normal(mean = centroid, cov = cov) PSF = amp*(rv.pdf(position)) return PSF.ravel()
[docs]def imagefit(image_data, popt = [], pcov = [], tossed =0, scale = 1, tbounds = (9, 20, 9, 20), pinit = (18000, 15, 15, 2, 2), ub = (25000, 15.3, 15.3, 5, 5), lb = (3000, 14.6, 14.6, 0.3, 0.3)): ''' CFit a 2D Gaussian on the image. Parameters ---------- image_data: 3D array Data cube of images (2D arrays of pixel values). popt : 2D array (optional) Array of optimized parameters to append to. pcov : 3D array (optional) Array of covariance matrix to append to. tossed : int (optional) Total number of image tossed out. Default is 0 if none provided. Default is 0. scale : int (optional) If the image is over sampled, scaling factor for centroid and bounds, i.e, give centroid in terms of the pixel value of the initial image. Default is 1. bounds : pinit : ub : lb : Returns ------- PSF.ravel(): 1D array z values of the 2D Gaussian raveled. ''' lbx, ubx, lby, uby = tbounds lbx, ubx, lby, uby = lbx*scale, ubx*scale, lby*scale, uby*scale l, h, w = image_data.shape x, y = np.mgrid[lbx/scale:ubx/scale:1/scale, lby/scale:uby/scale:1/scale] position = np.empty(x.shape + (2,)) position[:,:,0] = x position[:,:,1] = y popt_tmp = np.empty((l,len(pinit))) pcov_tmp = np.empty((l,len(pinit), len(pinit))) for i in range(l): dataravel = image_data[i,lbx:ubx,lby:uby].ravel() try: popt_tmp[i,:], pcov_tmp[i,:,:] = opt.curve_fit(Gaussian2D, position, dataravel, p0=pinit, bounds = (lb,ub)) except RuntimeError: print("Error - curve_fit failed") popt_tmp[i,:] = np.nan tossed += 1 popt = np.append(popt, popt_tmp, axis = 0) pcov = np.append(pcov, pcov_tmp, axis = 0) return popt, pcov, tossed
[docs]def get_lightcurve(datapath, savepath, AOR_snip, channel, subarray, save = True, save_full = '/ch2_datacube_full_AORs579.dat', bin_data = True, bin_size = 64, save_bin = '/ch2_datacube_binned_AORs579.dat', plot = True, plot_name= 'CoRoT-2b.pdf', oversamp = False, **kwargs): ''' Given a directory, looks for data (bcd.fits files), opens them and performs photometry. Parameters ---------- datapath : string object Directory where the spitzer data is stored. savepath : string object Directory the outputs will be saved. AORsnip : string objects Common first characters of data directory eg. 'r579' channel : string objects Channel used for the observation eg. 'ch1' for channel 1 subarray : bool True if observation were taken in subarray mode. False if observation were taken in full-array mode. save : bool (optional) True if you want to save the outputs. Default is True. save_full: string object (optional) Filename of the full unbinned output data. Default is '/ch2_datacube_full_AORs579.dat'. bin_data : bool (optional) True you want to get binned data. Default is True. bin_size : int (optional) If bin_data is True, the size of the bins. Default is 64. save_bin : string object (optional) Filename of the full binned output data. Default is '/ch2_datacube_binned_AORs579.dat'. plot : bool (optional) True if you want to plot the time resolved lightcurve. Default is True. plot_name: string object (optional) If plot and save is True, the filename of the plot to be saved as. Default is True. oversamp : bool (optional) True if you want to oversample you image. Default is True. **kwargs : dictionary Argument passed onto other functions. Raises ------ Error : If Photometry method is not supported/recognized by this pipeline. ''' # Ignore warning and starts timing warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') tic = tim.clock() # get list of filenames and nb of files fnames, nfiles = get_fnames(datapath, AOR_snip, channel) # variables declaration percent = 0 # to show progress while running the code tossed = 0 # Keep tracks of number of frame discarded badframetable = [] # list of filenames of the discarded frames time = [] # time array bg_err = [] # background flux error popt = np.empty(shape = (0,5)) pcov = np.empty(shape = (0,5,5)) #xo = [] # centroid value along the x-axis #yo = [] # centroid value along the y-axis #xw = [] # PSF width along the x-axis #yw = [] # PSF width along the y-axis #aperture_sum = [] # flux obtained from aperture photometry #aperture_sum_err = [] c# error on flux obtained from aperture photometry #image_data_full=np.zeros((64*nfiles, 32, 32)) #factor = np.zeros(64*nfiles) # data reduction & aperture photometry part if (subarray == True): for i in range(nfiles): # open fits file hdu_list =[i]) image_data0 = hdu_list[0].data h, w, l = image_data0.shape # get time time = get_time(hdu_list, time) # convert MJy/str to electron count convfact = hdu_list[0].header['GAIN']*hdu_list[0].header['EXPTIME']/hdu_list[0].header['FLUXCONV'] image_data1 = convfact*image_data0 # sigma clip fname = fnames[i] image_data2, tossed, badframetable = sigma_clipping(image_data1, i ,fname[fname.find('ch2/bcd/')+8:], tossed=tossed, **kwargs) # bg subtract image_data3, bg_err = bgsubtract(image_data2, bg_err) # oversampling & Photometry if (oversamp == True): image_data3 = popt, pcov, tossed = imagefit(image_data3,popt, pcov, tossed, scale = 2) else: popt, pcov, tossed = imagefit(image_data3, popt, pcov, tossed) print('Status:', i, 'out of', nfiles) elif (subarray == False): print('Sorry this part is undercontruction!') if (bin_data == True): binned_flux, binned_flux_std = binning_data(popt[:,0], bin_size) binned_time, binned_time_std = binning_data(np.asarray(time), bin_size) binned_xo, binned_xo_std = binning_data(popt[:,1], bin_size) binned_yo, binned_yo_std = binning_data(popt[:,2], bin_size) binned_xw, binned_xw_std = binning_data(popt[:,3], bin_size) binned_yw, binned_yw_std = binning_data(popt[:,4], bin_size) if (plot == True): fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, sharex=True, figsize=(15,5)) fig.suptitle("CoRoT-2b", fontsize="x-large") axes[0].plot(binned_time, binned_flux,'k+') axes[0].set_ylabel("Stellar Flux (MJy/pixel)") axes[1].plot(binned_time, binned_xo, '+') axes[1].set_ylabel("$x_0$") axes[2].plot(binned_time, binned_yo, 'r+') axes[2].set_xlabel("Time since IRAC turn-on (days)") axes[2].set_ylabel("$y_0$") fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) if (save == True): pathplot = savepath + '/' + plot_name fig.savefig(pathplot) else : if (save == True): FULL_data = np.c_[popt.T, time] FULL_head = 'Flux, x-centroid, y-centroid, x-PSF width, y-PSF width, time' BINN_data = np.c_[binned_flux, binned_flux_std, binned_time, binned_time_std, binned_xo, binned_xo_std, binned_yo, binned_yo_std, binned_xw, binned_xw_std, binned_yw, binned_yw_std] BINN_head = 'Flux, Flux std, Time, Time std, x-centroid, x-centroid std, y-centroid, y-centroid std, x-PSF width, x-PSF width std, y-PSF width, y-PSF width std' pathFULL = savepath + save_full pathBINN = savepath + save_bin np.savetxt(pathFULL, FULL_data, header = FULL_head) np.savetxt(pathBINN, BINN_data, header = BINN_head) toc = tim.clock() print('Number of discarded frames:', tossed) print('Time:', toc-tic, 'seconds')
if __name__=='__main__': main()