Source code for SPCA.Photometry_Aperture

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
import sys

from astropy.stats import sigma_clip

from photutils import aperture_photometry
from photutils import CircularAperture, EllipticalAperture, RectangularAperture
from photutils.utils import calc_total_error

from multiprocessing import Pool
from functools import partial

from collections import Iterable

from .Photometry_Common import highpassflist, bin_array, create_folder, prepare_images, clip_data
from .make_plots import plot_photometry

import os, warnings

# Make into a global variable so that A_Photometry can be run with multiprocessing without
# needing to pickle image_stack - this is critical for datasets with many GB of data!
image_stack = np.zeros((0,32,32))

# We need to resort to some hackery to make a tqdm progress bar work with multiprocessing
results = []
func = lambda arg: arg
pbar = None
[docs]def wrapMyFunc(arg): global func return arg, func(arg)
[docs]def update(outputs): # note: input comes from async `wrapMyFunc` global results results[outputs[0]] = outputs[1] # put answer into correct index of result list global pbar pbar.update() return
[docs]def noisepixparam(image_stack, bounds=(13, 18, 13, 18)): """Compute the noise pixel parameter. Args: image_stack (ndarray): FITS images stack. npp (list, optional): Previously computed noise pixel parameters for other frames that will be appended to. Returns: list: The noise pixel parameter for each image in the stack. """ lbx, ubx, lby, uby = bounds #To find noise pixel parameter for each frame. For eqn, refer Knutson et al. 2012 numer =[:, lbx:ubx, lby:uby], axis=(1,2))**2 denom =[:, lbx:ubx, lby:uby]**2, axis=(1,2)) return numer/denom
[docs]def centroid_FWM(image_stack, highpassWidth=5*64, scale=1, bounds=(13, 18, 13, 18), defaultCentroid=['median','median'], defaultPSFW=['median','median']): """Gets the centroid of the target by flux weighted mean and the PSF width of the target. Args: image_stack (ndarray): Data cube of images (2D arrays of pixel values). scale (int, optional): If the image is oversampled, scaling factor for centroid and bounds, i.e, give centroid in terms of the pixel value of the initial image. bounds (tuple, optional): Bounds of box around the target to exclude background . Default is (14, 18, 14, 18). defaultCentroid (list, optional): Default location for sigma clipped centroids. Default is median centroid position. defaultPSFW (list, optional): Default width for sigma clipped PSF widths. Default is median of widths. Returns: tuple: xo, yo, wx, wy (list, list, list, list). The updated lists of x-centroid, y-centroid, PSF width (x-axis), and PSF width (y-axis). """ lbx, ubx, lby, uby = np.array(bounds)*scale starbox = image_stack[:, lbx:ubx, lby:uby] h, w, l = starbox.shape # get centroid Y, X = np.mgrid[:w,:l] cx =*starbox, axis=(1,2))/, axis=(1,2)) + lbx cy =*starbox, axis=(1,2))/, axis=(1,2)) + lby # get PSF widths X, Y = np.repeat(X[np.newaxis,:,:], h, axis=0), np.repeat(Y[np.newaxis,:,:], h, axis=0) cx, cy = np.reshape(cx, (h, 1, 1)), np.reshape(cy, (h, 1, 1)) X2, Y2 = (X + lbx - cx)**2, (Y + lby - cy)**2 with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): widx = np.sqrt(*starbox, axis=(1,2))/(, axis=(1,2)))) widy = np.sqrt(*starbox, axis=(1,2))/(, axis=(1,2)))) xo = cx.flatten()/scale yo = cy.flatten()/scale xw = widx/scale yw = widy/scale return xo, yo, xw, yw
[docs]def A_photometry(bg_err, cx = 15, cx_med=15, cy = 15, cy_med=15, r=[2.5], a=[5], b=[5], w_r=[5], h_r=[5], theta=[0], scale = 1, shape='Circular', methods=['center', 'exact'], moveCentroids=[True], i=0, img_data=None): """Performs aperture photometry, first by creating the aperture then summing the flux within the aperture. Note that this will implicitly use the global variable image_stack (3D array) to allow for parallel computing with large (many GB) datasets. Args: bg_err (1D array): Array of uncertainties on pixel value. cx (int/array, optional): x-coordinate(s) of the center of the aperture. Default is 15. cy (int/array, optional): y-coordinate(s) of the center of the aperture. Default is 15. r (int/array, optional): If shape is 'Circular', the radii to try for aperture photometry in units of pixels. Default is just 2.5 pixels. a (int/array, optional): If shape is 'Elliptical', the semi-major axes to try for elliptical aperture in units of pixels. Default is 5. b (int/array, optional): If shape is 'Elliptical', the semi-minor axes to try for elliptical aperture in units of pixels. Default is 5. w_r (int/array, optional): If shape is 'Rectangular', the full widths to try for rectangular aperture (x-axis). Default is 5. h_r (int/array, optional): If shape is 'Rectangular', the full heights to try for rectangular aperture (y-axis). Default is 5. theta (int/array, optional): If shape is 'Elliptical' or 'Rectangular', the rotation angles in radians of the semimajor axis from the positive x axis. The rotation angle increases counterclockwise. Default is 0. scale (int, optional): If the image is oversampled, scaling factor for centroid and bounds, i.e, give centroid in terms of the pixel value of the initial image. shape (string, optional): shape is the shape of the aperture. Possible aperture shapes are 'Circular', 'Elliptical', 'Rectangular'. Default is 'Circular'. methods (iterable, optional): The methods used to determine the overlap of the aperture on the pixel grid. Possible methods are 'exact', 'subpixel', 'center'. Default is ['center', 'exact']. i (int, optional): The current frame number being examined. img_data (3D array): The image stack being analyzed if not using the global variable to allow for parallel computing. Returns: tuple: results (2D array) Array of flux and flux errors, of shape (nMethods*nSizes, 2), where the nSizes loop is nested inside the nMethods loop which is itself nested inside the moveCentoids loop. """ # Access the global variable if img_data is None: global image_stack else: image_stack = img_data if not isinstance(r, Iterable): r = [r] if not isinstance(cx, Iterable): cx = [cx] if not isinstance(cy, Iterable): cy = [cy] if not isinstance(a, Iterable): a = [a] if not isinstance(b, Iterable): b = [b] if not isinstance(w_r, Iterable): w_r = [w_r] if not isinstance(h_r, Iterable): h_r = [h_r] if not isinstance(theta, Iterable): theta = [theta] if not isinstance(methods, Iterable): methods = [methods] data_error = calc_total_error(image_stack[i,:,:], bg_err[i], effective_gain=1) results = [] for moveCentroid in moveCentroids: # Set up aperture(s) apertures = [] if not moveCentroid: position = [cx_med*scale, cy_med*scale] else: position = [cx[i]*scale, cy[i]*scale] if (shape == 'Circular'): for j in range(len(r)): apertures.append(CircularAperture(position, r=r[j]*scale)) elif (shape == 'Elliptical'): for j in range(len(a)): apertures.append(EllipticalAperture(position, a=a[j]*scale, b=b[j]*scale, theta=theta[j])) elif (shape == 'Rectangular'): for j in range(len(w_r)): apertures.append(RectangularAperture(position, w=w_r[j]*scale, h=h_r[j]*scale, theta=theta[j])) for method in methods: phot_table = aperture_photometry(image_stack[i,:,:], apertures, error=data_error, method=method) results.extend([float(phot_table[f'aperture_sum_{j}']) for j in range(len(apertures))]) return np.array(results)
[docs]def compare_RMS(Run_list, fluxes, r, time, highpassWidth, basepath, planet, channel, ignoreFrames, addStack, save=True, onlyBest=False, showPlots=False, savePlots=True): RMS = np.zeros(len(Run_list)) for i, foldername in enumerate(Run_list): flux = fluxes[:,i] smooth = highpassflist(flux, highpassWidth) smoothed = (flux - smooth) # RMS[i] =**2.))/ RMS[i] = exact_moving = np.array(['exact' in Run_list[i].lower() and 'moving' in Run_list[i].lower() for i in range(len(Run_list))], dtype=bool) soft_moving = np.array(['soft' in Run_list[i].lower() and 'moving' in Run_list[i].lower() for i in range(len(Run_list))], dtype=bool) hard_moving = np.array(['hard' in Run_list[i].lower() and 'moving' in Run_list[i].lower() for i in range(len(Run_list))], dtype=bool) exact = np.array(['exact' in Run_list[i].lower() and 'moving' not in Run_list[i].lower() for i in range(len(Run_list))], dtype=bool) soft = np.array(['soft' in Run_list[i].lower() and 'moving' not in Run_list[i].lower() for i in range(len(Run_list))], dtype=bool) hard = np.array(['hard' in Run_list[i].lower() and 'moving' not in Run_list[i].lower() for i in range(len(Run_list))], dtype=bool) if showPlots or savePlots: plt.figure(figsize = (10,4)) if np.any(exact_moving): plt.plot(r[exact_moving], RMS[exact_moving]*1e6, 'o-', label = 'Circle: Exact Edge, Moving') if np.any(soft_moving): plt.plot(r[soft_moving], RMS[soft_moving]*1e6, 'o-', label = 'Circle: Soft Edge, Moving') if np.any(hard_moving): plt.plot(r[hard_moving], RMS[hard_moving]*1e6, 'o-', label = 'Circle: Hard Edge, Moving') if np.any(exact): plt.plot(r[exact], RMS[exact]*1e6, 'o-', label = 'Circle: Exact Edge') if np.any(soft): plt.plot(r[soft], RMS[soft]*1e6, 'o-', label = 'Circle: Soft Edge') if np.any(hard): plt.plot(r[hard], RMS[hard]*1e6, 'o-', label = 'Circle: Hard Edge') plt.xlabel('Aperture Radius') plt.ylabel('RMS Scatter (ppm)') plt.legend(loc='best') if savePlots: figpath = basepath+planet+'/analysis/photometryComparison/'+channel+'/' if addStack: figpath += 'addedStack/' else: figpath += 'addedBlank/' if not os.path.exists(figpath): os.makedirs(figpath) if ignoreFrames != []: figpath += 'ignore/' else: figpath += 'noIgnore/' if not os.path.exists(figpath): os.makedirs(figpath) if channel=='ch2': fname = figpath + '4um' else: fname = figpath + '3um' fname += '_Photometry_Comparison.pdf' plt.savefig(fname) if showPlots: plt.close() if save: if np.any(exact_moving): print('\tExact Moving - Best RMS (ppm):', np.round([exact_moving])*1e6, decimals=2)) print('\tExact Moving - Best Aperture Radius:', r[exact_moving][np.where(RMS[exact_moving][exact_moving]))[0][0]]) print() if np.any(soft_moving): print('\tSoft Moving - Best RMS (ppm):', np.round([soft_moving])*1e6, decimals=2)) print('\tSoft Moving - Best Aperture Radius:', r[soft_moving][np.where(RMS[soft_moving][soft_moving]))[0][0]]) print() if np.any(hard_moving): print('\tHard Moving - Best RMS (ppm):', np.round([hard_moving])*1e6, decimals=2)) print('\tHard Moving - Best Aperture Radius:', r[hard_moving][np.where(RMS[hard_moving][hard_moving]))[0][0]]) print() if np.any(exact): print('\tExact - Best RMS (ppm):', np.round([exact])*1e6, decimals=2)) print('\tExact - Best Aperture Radius:', r[exact][np.where(RMS[exact][exact]))[0][0]]) print() if np.any(soft): print('\tSoft - Best RMS (ppm):', np.round([soft])*1e6, decimals=2)) print('\tSoft - Best Aperture Radius:', r[soft][np.where(RMS[soft][soft]))[0][0]]) print() if np.any(hard): print('\tHard - Best RMS (ppm):', np.round([hard])*1e6, decimals=2)) print('\tHard - Best Aperture Radius:', r[hard][np.where(RMS[hard][hard]))[0][0]]) bestPhOption = Run_list[] print('Best photometry of this batch:', bestPhOption) with open(basepath+planet+'/analysis/'+channel+'/bestPhOption.txt', 'a') as file: file.write(bestPhOption+'\n') file.write('IgnoreFrames = '+str(ignoreFrames)[1:-1]+'\n') file.write(str(np.round(*1e6,1))+'\n\n') return RMS
[docs]def bin_all_data(highpassWidth, flux, binned_time, binned_time_std, binned_xo, binned_xo_std, binned_yo, binned_yo_std, binned_xw, binned_xw_std, binned_yw, binned_yw_std, binned_bg, binned_bg_std, binned_npp, binned_npp_std, bin_size): binned_flux, binned_flux_std = bin_array(flux, bin_size) binned_time, binned_time_std = np.copy(binned_time), np.copy(binned_time_std) binned_xo, binned_xo_std = np.copy(binned_xo), np.copy(binned_xo_std) binned_yo, binned_yo_std = np.copy(binned_yo), np.copy(binned_yo_std) binned_xw, binned_xw_std = np.copy(binned_xw), np.copy(binned_xw_std) binned_yw, binned_yw_std = np.copy(binned_yw), np.copy(binned_yw_std) binned_bg, binned_bg_std = np.copy(binned_bg), np.copy(binned_bg_std) binned_npp, binned_npp_std = np.copy(binned_npp), np.copy(binned_npp_std) # Do a rolling median based sigma clipping to remove bad data binned_flux = clip_data(binned_flux, highpassWidth, sigma1=10, sigma2=5, maxiters=3) return np.c_[binned_flux, binned_flux_std, binned_time, binned_time_std, binned_xo, binned_xo_std, binned_yo, binned_yo_std, binned_xw, binned_xw_std, binned_yw, binned_yw_std, binned_bg, binned_bg_std, binned_npp, binned_npp_std]
[docs]def get_lightcurve(basepath, AOR_snip, channel, planet, save=True, onlyBest=True, highpassWidth=5*64, bin_data=True, bin_size=64, showPlots=False, savePlots=True, oversamp=False, scale=2, saveoversamp=True, reuse_oversamp=True, r = [2.4], edges=['Exact'], addStack = False, ignoreFrames = None, maskStars = None, moveCentroids=[True], ncpu=4, image_stack_input=None, bg=None, bg_err=None, time=None): """Given a directory, looks for data (bcd.fits files), opens them and performs photometry. Args: datapath (string): Directory where the spitzer data is stored. savepath (string): Directory the outputs will be saved. AORsnip (string): Common first characters of data directory eg. 'r579' channel (string): Channel used for the observation eg. 'ch1' for channel 1 shape (string, optional): The aperture shape to try. Possible aperture shapes are 'Circular', 'Elliptical', 'Rectangular'. Default is 'Circular'. edges (iterable, optional): The aperture edges to try. Options are 'hard', 'soft', and 'exact' which correspond to the 'center', 'subpixel', and 'exact' methods in astropy. Default is just ['hard']. save (bool, optional): True if you want to save the outputs. Default is True. save_full (string, optional): Filename of the full unbinned output data. Default is '/ch2_datacube_full_AORs579.dat'. bin_data (bool, optional): True you want to get binned data. Default is True. bin_size (int, optional): If bin_data is True, the size of the bins. Default is 64. save_bin (string, optional): Filename of the full binned output data. Default is '/ch2_datacube_binned_AORs579.dat'. plot (bool, optional): True if you want to plot the time resolved lightcurve. Default is True. plot_name (string, optional): If plot and save is True, the filename of the plot to be saved as. Default is True. oversamp (bool, optional): True if you want to oversample the image by a factor of 2. Default is False. save_oversamp (bool, optional): True if you want to save oversampled images. Default is True. reuse_oversamp (bool, optional): True if you want to reuse oversampled images that were previously saved. Default is False. planet (string, optional): The name of the planet. Default is CoRoT-2b. rs (iterable, optional): The radii to try for aperture photometry in units of pixels. Default is just 2.5 pixels. ignoreFrames (list, optional) A list of frames to be masked when performing aperature photometry (e.g. first frame to remove first-frame systematic). maskStars (list, optional): An array-like object where each element is an array-like object with the RA and DEC coordinates of a nearby star which should be masked out when computing background subtraction. moveCentroids (iterable, optional): True if you want the centroid to be centered on the flux-weighted mean centroids (will default to median centroid when a NaN is returned), otherwise aperture will be centered on 15,15 (or 30,30 for 2x oversampled images). Default is [True]. rerun_photometry (bool, optional): Whether to overwrite old photometry if it exists. Default is False. ncpu (int, optional): The number of aperture radii to try at the same time with multiprocessing. Default is 4. Raises: Error: If Photometry method is not supported/recognized by this pipeline. """ # Currently only circular apertures are supported! shape='Circular' if not oversamp: scale = 1 if ignoreFrames is None: ignoreFrames = [] if maskStars is None: maskStars = [] if basepath[-1]!='/': basepath += '/' savepath = basepath+planet+'/analysis/'+channel+'/' if addStack: savepath += 'addedStack/' else: savepath += 'addedBlank/' if ignoreFrames != []: savepath += 'ignore/' else: savepath += 'noIgnore/' # prepare filenames for saved data save_full = channel+'_datacube_full_AORs'+AOR_snip[1:]+'.dat' save_bin = channel+'_datacube_binned_AORs'+AOR_snip[1:]+'.dat' if not isinstance(r, Iterable): r = [r] if not isinstance(edges, Iterable): edges = [edges] if not isinstance(moveCentroids, Iterable): moveCentroids = [moveCentroids] if shape!='Circular' and shape!='Elliptical' and shape!='Rectangular': print('Warning: No such aperture shape "'+shape+'".', 'Using Circular aperture instead.') shape = 'Circular' methods = [] for edge_tmp in edges: edge_tmp=edge_tmp.lower() if edge_tmp=='hard' or edge_tmp=='center' or edge_tmp=='centre': methods.append('center') elif edge_tmp=='soft' or edge_tmp=='subpixel': methods.append('subpixel') elif edge_tmp=='exact': methods.append('exact') else: print("Warning: No such method \""+edge_tmp+"\".", "Using hard edged aperture instead.") methods.append('center') # Access the global variable global image_stack if image_stack_input is None: # Prepare all of the images image_stack, bg, bg_err, time = prepare_images(basepath, planet, channel, AOR_snip, ignoreFrames, oversamp, scale, reuse_oversamp, saveoversamp, addStack, maskStars, ncpu) else: image_stack = image_stack_input # image_stack, bg, bg_err, time = prepare_images(basepath, planet, channel, AOR_snip, ignoreFrames, # oversamp, scale, reuse_oversamp, saveoversamp, # addStack, maskStars, ncpu) bg = clip_data(bg, highpassWidth, sigma1=10, sigma2=5, maxiters=3) bg_err = clip_data(bg_err, highpassWidth, sigma1=10, sigma2=5, maxiters=3) # get centroids & PSF width print('\tGetting centroids... ', end='', flush=True) xo, yo, xw, yw = centroid_FWM(image_stack, highpassWidth=5*64, scale=scale) # Compute noise pixel parameter for each frame print('Getting noise pixel parameter... ', end='', flush=True) npp = noisepixparam(image_stack) npp = clip_data(npp, highpassWidth, sigma1=10, sigma2=5, maxiters=3) xo = clip_data(xo, highpassWidth, sigma1=10, sigma2=5, maxiters=3) xw = clip_data(xw, highpassWidth, sigma1=10, sigma2=5, maxiters=3) yo = clip_data(yo, highpassWidth, sigma1=10, sigma2=5, maxiters=3) yw = clip_data(yw, highpassWidth, sigma1=10, sigma2=5, maxiters=3) # perform aperture photometry print('Starting photometry!', flush=True) # Resorting to a bit of hackery to get tqdm to work with multiprocessing global pbar global results global func N = image_stack.shape[0] pbar = tqdm(total=N) results = [None] * N # result list of correct size func = partial(A_photometry, bg_err, xo,, yo,, r, [], [], [], [], [], scale, shape, methods, moveCentroids) pool = Pool(ncpu) for i in range(N): pool.apply_async(wrapMyFunc, args=(i,), callback=update) pool.close() pool.join() pbar.close() sys.stderr.flush() # Free up some RAM image_stack = None fluxes = # Free up some RAM results = None # removing outrageously bad flux outliers for each technique print('\tSigma clipping fluxes... ', end='', flush=True) # Sometimes we get points that are so close to zero that they break the code (even the sigma clipping) fluxes[fluxes<0.1*] = np.nan fluxes[fluxes<0.1*].mask = True for i in range(fluxes.shape[1]): fluxes[:,i] = clip_data(fluxes[:,i], highpassWidth, sigma1=10, sigma2=5, maxiters=3) # Make a folder name for each method techniques = [] all_edges = [] all_rs = [] all_moveCentroids = [] for moveCentroid in moveCentroids: for edge in edges: for r_tmp in r: if channel=='ch1': folder='3um' else: folder='4um' folder += edge+shape+"_".join(str(np.round(r_tmp, 2)).split('.')) if moveCentroid: folder += '_movingCentroid' techniques.append(savepath+folder) all_moveCentroids.append(moveCentroid) all_edges.append(edge) all_rs.append(r_tmp) BIN_datas = [] if bin_data: RMS_fluxes = np.zeros((int(np.ceil(fluxes.shape[0]/bin_size)),0)) RMS_times = [] highpassWidth_tmp = highpassWidth/bin_size print('Binning... ', end='', flush=True) binned_time, binned_time_std = bin_array(time, bin_size) binned_xo, binned_xo_std = bin_array(xo, bin_size) binned_yo, binned_yo_std = bin_array(yo, bin_size) binned_xw, binned_xw_std = bin_array(xw, bin_size) binned_yw, binned_yw_std = bin_array(yw, bin_size) binned_bg, binned_bg_std = bin_array(bg, bin_size) binned_npp, binned_npp_std = bin_array(npp, bin_size) for i in range(fluxes.shape[1]): flux = fluxes[:,i] BIN_data = bin_all_data(highpassWidth_tmp, flux, binned_time, binned_time_std, binned_xo, binned_xo_std, binned_yo, binned_yo_std, binned_xw, binned_xw_std, binned_yw, binned_yw_std, binned_bg, binned_bg_std, binned_npp, binned_npp_std, bin_size) (binned_flux, binned_flux_std, binned_time, binned_time_std, binned_xo, binned_xo_std, binned_yo, binned_yo_std, binned_xw, binned_xw_std, binned_yw, binned_yw_std, binned_bg, binned_bg_std, binned_npp, binned_npp_std) = BIN_data.T RMS_fluxes = np.append(RMS_fluxes, binned_flux[:,np.newaxis], axis=1) RMS_times = binned_time BIN_datas.append(BIN_data) else: RMS_fluxes = fluxes RMS_times = time highpassWidth_tmp = highpassWidth # Choose the best photometry method, save diagnostic plot(s) print('Choosing best photometry...', flush=True) RMSs = compare_RMS(techniques, RMS_fluxes, np.array(all_rs), RMS_times, highpassWidth_tmp, basepath, planet, channel, ignoreFrames, addStack, save, onlyBest, showPlots, savePlots) if onlyBest: # Keep these as arrays so they can be indexed lated # If the user only want's to save the best results, discard the rest fluxes = fluxes[:,np.argmin(RMSs):np.argmin(RMSs)+1] BIN_datas = BIN_datas[np.argmin(RMSs):np.argmin(RMSs)+1] all_moveCentroids = all_moveCentroids[np.argmin(RMSs):np.argmin(RMSs)+1] all_edges = all_edges[np.argmin(RMSs):np.argmin(RMSs)+1] all_rs = all_rs[np.argmin(RMSs):np.argmin(RMSs)+1] # Bin, save, and/or plot each of the methods depending on what was requested FULL_datas = [] for i in range(fluxes.shape[1]): flux = fluxes[:,i] FULL_data = np.c_[flux, time, xo, yo, xw, yw, bg, npp] if save or savePlots: print('\tSaving... ', end='', flush=True) # create save folder if channel=='ch1': folder='3um' else: folder='4um' folder += all_edges[i]+shape+"_".join(str(np.round(all_rs[i], 2)).split('.')) if all_moveCentroids[i]: folder += '_movingCentroid' folder += '/' savepath_tmp = savepath+folder savepath_tmp = create_folder(savepath_tmp, True, True) # Plot the photometry if requested if savePlots or showPlots: if bin_data: plotx = binned_time ploty0 = binned_flux ploty1 = binned_xo ploty2 = binned_yo ploty3 = binned_xw ploty4 = binned_yw else: plotx = time ploty0 = flux ploty1 = xo ploty2 = yo ploty3 = xw ploty4 = yw fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=5, ncols=1, sharex=True, figsize=(15,15)) axes[0].set_title(planet, fontsize="x-large") axes[0].plot(plotx, ploty0,'k+') axes[0].set_ylabel("Stellar Flux (electrons)") axes[1].plot(plotx, ploty1, 'k+') axes[1].set_ylabel("$x_0$") axes[2].plot(plotx, ploty2, 'k+') axes[2].set_ylabel("$y_0$") axes[3].plot(plotx, ploty3, 'k+') axes[3].set_ylabel("$x_w$") axes[4].plot(plotx, ploty4, 'k+') axes[4].set_ylabel("$y_w$") fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) axes[4].set_xlabel("Time (BMJD))") axes[4].ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) if savePlots: # Save the plot if requested pathplot = savepath_tmp + 'Lightcurve.pdf' fig.savefig(pathplot) if showPlots: plt.close() # Save the data if requested if save: FULL_head = 'Flux, Time, x-centroid, y-centroid, x-PSF width, y-PSF width, bg flux' FULL_head += ', Noise Pixel Parameter' pathFULL = savepath_tmp+save_full np.savetxt(pathFULL, FULL_data, header=FULL_head) if bin_data: BIN_head = 'Flux, Flux std, Time, Time std, x-centroid, x-centroid std, y-centroid, y-centroid std' BIN_head += ', x-PSF width, x-PSF width std, y-PSF width, y-PSF width std, bg flux, bg flux std' BIN_head += ', Noise Pixel Parameter, Noise Pixel Parameter std' pathBIN = savepath_tmp+save_bin np.savetxt(pathBIN, BIN_datas[i], header=BIN_head) else: FULL_datas.append(FULL_data) print('Done.', flush=True) if save: # We are actually running the photometry return elif bin_data: # We are running frame diagnostics and should return our results return FULL_datas, BIN_datas else: # We are running frame diagnostics and should return our results return FULL_datas
import unittest
[docs]class TestAperturehotometryMethods(unittest.TestCase): # Test that centroiding gives the expected values and doesn't swap x and y
[docs] def test_FWM_centroiding(self): fake_images = np.zeros((4,32,32)) for i in range(fake_images.shape[0]): fake_images[i,14+i,15] = 2 xo, yo, _, _ = centroid_FWM(fake_images) self.assertTrue(np.all(xo==np.ones_like(xo)*15.)) self.assertTrue(np.all(yo==np.arange(14,18)))
# Test that circular aperture photometry properly follows the input centroids and gives the expected values
[docs] def test_circularAperture(self): image_stack = np.zeros((4,32,32)) for i in range(image_stack.shape[0]): image_stack[i,14+i,15] = 2 xo = np.ones(image_stack.shape[0])*15 yo = np.arange(14,18) with Pool(1) as pool: func = partial(A_photometry, np.zeros_like(xo), xo, yo, [1.,2.,3.], [], [], [], [], [], 1, 'Circular', methods=['center']) inds = range(image_stack.shape[0]) results = np.array(, inds)) flux = results[:,:,0] self.assertTrue(np.all(flux==np.ones_like(flux)*2.))
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()