Source code for SPCA.Photometry_PLD

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from astropy.stats import sigma_clip

from .Photometry_Common import bin_array, create_folder, prepare_images, clip_data

import warnings

[docs]def bin_array2D(data, size): """Median bin PLD stamps. Args: data (2D array): Array of PLD stamps to be binned. size (int): Size of bins. Returns: tuple: binned_data (2D array) Array of binned PLD stamps. binned_data_std (2D array) Array of standard deviation for each entry in binned_data. """ h, w = data.shape # Iterate pixel-by-pixel to do the binning since there is sadly no axis argument in the binning function binned_data = [] binned_data_std = [] for i in range(w): result = bin_array(data[:,i], size) binned_data.append(result[0]) binned_data_std.append(result[1]) binned_data = np.array(binned_data).T binned_data_std = np.array(binned_data_std).T return binned_data, binned_data_std
[docs]def get_pixel_values(image, cx = 15, cy = 15, nbx = 3, nby = 3): """Median bin PLD stamps. Args: image (2D array): Image to be cut into PLD stamps. P (ndarray): Previously made PLD stamps to append new stamp to. cx (int, optional): x-coordinate of the center of the PLD stamp. Default is 15. cy (int, optional): y-coordinate of the center of the PLD stamp. Default is 15. nbx (int, optional): Number of pixels to use along the x-axis for the PLD stamp. nby (int, optional): Number of pixels to use along the y-axis for the PLD stamp. Returns: ndarray: Updated array of binned PLD stamps including the new stamp. """ image_data = h, w, l = image_data.shape deltax = int((nbx-1)/2) deltay = int((nbx-1)/2) P = image_data[:, (cx-deltax):(cx+deltax+1), (cy-deltay):(cy+deltay+1)].reshape(h, -1) return P
[docs]def get_lightcurve(basepath, AOR_snip, channel, planet, stamp_sizes=[3,5], save=True, highpassWidth=5*64, bin_data=True, bin_size=64, showPlots=False, savePlots=True, addStack = False, ignoreFrames = None, maskStars = None, ncpu=4, image_stack_input=None, bg=None, bg_err=None, time=None): """Given a directory, looks for data (bcd.fits files), opens them and performs PLD "photometry". Args: datapath (string): Directory where the spitzer data is stored. savepath (string): Directory the outputs will be saved. AORsnip (string): Common first characters of data directory eg. 'r579' channel (string): Channel used for the observation eg. 'ch1' for channel 1 save (bool, optional): True if you want to save the outputs. Default is True. save_full (string, optional): Filename of the full unbinned output data. Default is '/ch2_datacube_full_AORs579.dat'. bin_data (bool, optional): True you want to get binned data. Default is True. bin_size (int, optional): If bin_data is True, the size of the bins. Default is 64. save_bin (string, optional): Filename of the full binned output data. Default is '/ch2_datacube_binned_AORs579.dat'. plot (bool, optional): True if you want to plot the time resolved lightcurve. Default is True. plot_name (string, optional): If plot and save is True, the filename of the plot to be saved as. Default is True. planet (string, optional): The name of the planet. Default is CoRoT-2b. stamp_size (int, optional): The size of PLD stamp to use (returns stamps that are stamp_size x stamp_size). Only 3 and 5 are currently supported. addStack (bool, optional): Whether or not to add a background subtraction correction stack. Default is False. stackPath (string, optional): Path to the background subtraction correction stack. ignoreFrames (list, optional) A list of frames to be masked when performing aperature photometry (e.g. first frame to remove first-frame systematic). maskStars (list, optional): An array-like object where each element is an array-like object with the RA and DEC coordinates of a nearby star which should be masked out when computing background subtraction. rerun_photometry (bool, optional): Whether to overwrite old photometry if it exists. Default is False. Raises: Error: If Photometry method is not supported/recognized by this pipeline. """ #Fix: Throw actual errors in these cases for stamp_size in stamp_sizes: if stamp_size!=3 and stamp_size!=5: print(f'Error: Stamp size {stamp_size} not permitted') print('Only stamp sizes of 3 and 5 are currently allowed.') return if ignoreFrames is None: ignoreFrames = [] if maskStars is None: maskStars = [] if basepath[-1]!='/': basepath += '/' # prepare filenames for saved data save_full = channel+'_datacube_full_AORs'+AOR_snip[1:]+'.dat' save_bin = channel+'_datacube_binned_AORs'+AOR_snip[1:]+'.dat' # Access the global variable global image_stack if image_stack_input is None: # Prepare all of the images image_stack, bg, bg_err, time = prepare_images(basepath, planet, channel, AOR_snip, ignoreFrames, oversamp, scale, reuse_oversamp, saveoversamp, addStack, maskStars, ncpu) else: image_stack = image_stack_input bg = clip_data(bg, highpassWidth, sigma1=10, sigma2=5, maxiters=3) bg_err = clip_data(bg_err, highpassWidth, sigma1=10, sigma2=5, maxiters=3) for stamp_size in stamp_sizes: # get pixel peak index print(f'\tGetting {stamp_size}x{stamp_size} stamps... ', end='', flush=True) P = get_pixel_values(image_stack, cx=15, cy=15, nbx=stamp_size, nby=stamp_size) print('Sigma clipping... ', end='', flush=True) for i in range(P.shape[1]): P[:,i] = clip_data(P[:,i], highpassWidth, sigma1=10, sigma2=5, maxiters=3) #sigma clip binned data to remove wildly unacceptable data flux = P.sum(axis=1) # Do a rolling median based sigma clipping to remove bad data flux_fixed = clip_data(flux, highpassWidth, sigma1=10, sigma2=5, maxiters=3) # Rescale fluxes P *= (flux_fixed/flux).reshape(-1,1) if bin_data: print('Binning... ', end='', flush=True) binned_P, binned_P_std = bin_array2D(P, bin_size) binned_time, binned_time_std = bin_array(time, bin_size) binned_bg, binned_bg_std = bin_array(bg, bin_size) #sigma clip binned data to remove wildly unacceptable data binned_flux = binned_P.sum(axis=1) # Do a rolling median based sigma clipping to remove bad data binned_flux_fixed = clip_data(binned_flux, highpassWidth/bin_size, sigma1=10, sigma2=5, maxiters=3) # Rescale fluxes binned_P *= (binned_flux_fixed/binned_flux).reshape(-1,1) if save or savePlots: print('Saving... ', end='', flush=True) if channel=='ch1': folder='3um' else: folder='4um' folder += f'PLD_{stamp_size}x{stamp_size}/' savepath = basepath+planet+'/analysis/'+channel+'/' if addStack: savepath += 'addedStack/' else: savepath += 'addedBlank/' if ignoreFrames != []: savepath += 'ignore/' else: savepath += 'noIgnore/' # create save folder savepath = create_folder(savepath+folder, True, True) if savePlots or showPlots: if bin_data: plotx = binned_time ploty0 = binned_P ploty2 = binned_P_std nrows=3 else: plotx = time ploty0 = P nrows = 2 fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows = nrows, ncols = 1, sharex = True, figsize=(nrows*5,10)) fig.suptitle(planet, fontsize="x-large") for i in range(int(stamp_size**2)): axes[0].plot(plotx, ploty0[:,i], '+', label = '$P_'+str(i+1)+'$') axes[0].set_ylabel("Pixel Flux (electrons)") axes[0].legend() axes[1].set_ylabel('Sum Flux (electrons)') axes[1].plot(plotx, np.sum(ploty0, axis = 1), '+') if bin_data: for i in range(int(stamp_size**2)): axes[2].plot(plotx, ploty2[:,i], '+', label = '$Pstd_'+str(i+1)+'$') axes[2].set_xlabel("Time (BMJD)") fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) if savePlots: pathplot = savepath + 'Lightcurve.pdf' fig.savefig(pathplot) if showPlots: plt.close() if save: FULL_data = np.c_[P, time, bg] FULL_head = ''.join([f'P{i+1}, ' for i in range(int(stamp_size**2))]) FULL_head += 'time, bg' pathFULL = savepath + save_full np.savetxt(pathFULL, FULL_data, header = FULL_head) if bin_data: BIN_data = np.c_[binned_P, binned_P_std, binned_time, binned_time_std, binned_bg, binned_bg_std] BIN_head = ''.join([f'P{i+1}, ' for i in range(int(stamp_size**2))]) BIN_head += ''.join([f'P{i+1}_std, ' for i in range(int(stamp_size**2))]) BIN_head = 'time, time_std, bg, bg_std' pathBIN = savepath + save_bin np.savetxt(pathBIN, BIN_data, header = BIN_head) image_stack = None print('Done.', flush=True) return
import unittest if __name__ == '__main__': print('No unit tests currently implemented.')