Source code for SPCA.helpers

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as spopt

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from astropy.stats import sigma_clip

import inspect
from functools import partial

import os, sys
lib_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('../'))

from copy import deepcopy

# SPCA libraries
import SPCA
from SPCA import astro_models, detec_models, bliss

# FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def signal_params(): p0_obj = {'name': 'planet', 't0': 0.0, 't0_err': 0.0, 'per': 1.0, 'per_err': 0.0, 'rp': 0.1, 'rp_err': 0.0, 'a': 8.0, 'a_err': 0.0, 'inc': 90.0, 'inc_err': 0.0, 'ecosw': 0.0, 'ecosw_err': 0.0, 'esinw': 0.0, 'esinw_err': 0.0, 'q1': 0.01, 'q2': 0.01, 'fp': 0.003, 'fp_err': 0.0, 'A': 0.35, 'B': 0.0, 'C': 0.0, 'D': 0.0, 'r2': None, 'r2off': 0.0, 'c1': 1.0} p0_obj.update(dict([['c'+str(i), 0.0] for i in range(2,22)])) p0_obj.update(dict([['p1_1', 1.0] for i in range(1,10)])) p0_obj.update(dict([['p'+str(i)+'_1', 0.03] for i in range(2,10)])) p0_obj.update(dict([['p'+str(i)+'_1', 0.01] for i in range(10,26)])) p0_obj.update(dict([['p'+str(i)+'_2', 0.01] for i in range(1,26)])) p0_obj.update({'gpAmp': 0.35, 'gpLx': -1.0, 'gpLy': -1.0}) p0_obj.update({'d1': 1.0, 'd2': 0.0, 'd3': 0.0, 'm1': 0.0}) p0_obj.update({'s0':0, 's0break':0, 's1':0, 's1break':0, 's2':0, 's2break':0, 's3':0, 's3break':0, 's4':0, 's4break':0}) p0_obj.update({'sigF': 0.0003, 'mode': '', 'Tstar': None, 'Tstar_err': None}) params = np.array(['t0', 'per', 'rp', 'a', 'inc', 'ecosw', 'esinw', 'q1', 'q2', 'fp', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'r2', 'r2off']) params = np.append(params, ['c'+str(i) for i in range(1,22)]) params = np.append(params, ['p'+str(i)+'_1' for i in range(1,26)]) params = np.append(params, ['p'+str(i)+'_2' for i in range(1,26)]) params = np.append(params, ['gpAmp', 'gpLx', 'gpLy']) params = np.append(params, ['d1', 'd2', 'd3', 'm1']) params = np.append(params, ['s0', 's0break', 's1', 's1break', 's2', 's2break', 's3', 's3break', 's4', 's4break']) params = np.append(params, ['sigF']) fancyParams = np.array([r'$t_0$', r'$P_{\rm orb}$', r'$R_p/R_*$', r'$a/R_*$', r'$i$', r'$e \cos(\omega)$', r'$e \sin(\omega)$', r'$q_1$', r'$q_2$', r'$f_p$', r'$A$', r'$B$', r'$C$', r'$D$', r'$R_{p,2}/R_*$', r'$R_{p,2}/R_*$ Offset']) fancyParams = np.append(fancyParams, ['$C_'+str(i)+'$' for i in range(1,22)]) fancyParams = np.append(fancyParams, [r'$p_{'+str(i)+'-1}$' for i in range(1,26)]) fancyParams = np.append(fancyParams, [r'$p_{'+str(i)+'-2}$' for i in range(1,26)]) fancyParams = np.append(fancyParams, [r'$GP_{amp}$', r'$GP_{Lx}$', r'$GP_{Ly}$']) fancyParams = np.append(fancyParams, [r'$D_1$', r'$D_2$', r'$D_3$', r'$M_1$']) fancyParams = np.append(fancyParams, [r'$S_0$', r'$S_{0, break}$', r'$S_1$', r'$S_{1, break}$', r'$S_2$', r'$S_{2, break}$', r'$S_3$', r'$S_{3, break}$', r'$S_4$', r'$S_{4, break}$']) fancyParams = np.append(fancyParams, [r'$\sigma_F$']) p0_obj.update({'params': params, 'fancyParams': fancyParams, 'checkPhasePhis':np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,1000)}) return p0_obj
[docs]def get_data(foldername, filename, mode, foldername_aper='', foldername_psf='', cut=0): """Retrieve binned data. Args: path (string): Full path to the data file output by photometry routine. mode (string): The string specifying the detector and astrophysical model to use. path_aper (string, optional): Full path to the data file output by aperture photometry routine. cut (int, optional): Number of data points to remove from the start of the arrays. Returns: tuple: flux (ndarray; Flux extracted for each frame), time (ndarray; Time stamp for each frame), xdata (ndarray; X-coordinate of the centroid for each frame), ydata (ndarray; Y-coordinate of the centroid for each frame), psfwx (ndarray; X-width of the target's PSF for each frame), psfwy (ndarray; Y-width of the target's PSF for each frame). """ if 'pld' in mode.lower(): if '3x3' in mode.lower(): npix = 3 elif '5x5' in mode.lower(): npix = 5 else: # FIX, throw an actual error print('Error: only 3x3 and 5x5 boxes for PLD are supported.') return stamp = np.loadtxt(foldername+filename, usecols=np.arange(int(npix**2)), skiprows=1) # electrons time = np.loadtxt(foldername+filename, usecols=[int(2*npix**2)], skiprows=1) # BMJD stamp = stamp[cut:] time_pld = time[cut:] # Sigma clip per data cube (also masks invalids) # Convert masks into which indices to keep mask_pld = np.logical_not(sigma_clip(stamp.sum(axis=1), sigma=6).mask) if 'pldaper' in mode.lower() or 'pld' not in mode.lower(): if 'pld' not in mode.lower(): foldername_aper = foldername flux = np.loadtxt(foldername_aper+filename, usecols=[0], skiprows=1) # electrons time = np.loadtxt(foldername_aper+filename, usecols=[2], skiprows=1) # BMJD xdata = np.loadtxt(foldername_aper+filename, usecols=[4], skiprows=1) # pixel ydata = np.loadtxt(foldername_aper+filename, usecols=[6], skiprows=1) # pixel psfxw = np.loadtxt(foldername_aper+filename, usecols=[8], skiprows=1) # pixel psfyw = np.loadtxt(foldername_aper+filename, usecols=[10], skiprows=1) # pixel flux = flux[cut:] time = time[cut:] xdata = xdata[cut:] ydata = ydata[cut:] psfxw = psfxw[cut:] psfyw = psfyw[cut:] # Sigma clip per data cube (also masks invalids) try: FLUX_clip = sigma_clip(flux, sigma=6, maxiters=1) XDATA_clip = sigma_clip(xdata, sigma=6, maxiters=1) YDATA_clip = sigma_clip(ydata, sigma=6, maxiters=1) PSFXW_clip = sigma_clip(psfxw, sigma=6, maxiters=1) PSFYW_clip = sigma_clip(psfyw, sigma=6, maxiters=1) except TypeError: FLUX_clip = sigma_clip(flux, sigma=6, iters=1) XDATA_clip = sigma_clip(xdata, sigma=6, iters=1) YDATA_clip = sigma_clip(ydata, sigma=6, iters=1) PSFXW_clip = sigma_clip(psfxw, sigma=6, iters=1) PSFYW_clip = sigma_clip(psfyw, sigma=6, iters=1) # Combine masks for aperture photometry MASK = FLUX_clip.mask + XDATA_clip.mask + YDATA_clip.mask + PSFXW_clip.mask + PSFYW_clip.mask # Convert masks into which indices to keep mask_aper = np.logical_not(MASK) if 'psfx' in mode.lower(): foldername_psf = '/'.join(foldername.split('/')[:-2])+'/'+foldername_psf xdata = np.loadtxt(foldername_psf+filename, usecols=[4], skiprows=1) # pixel ydata = np.loadtxt(foldername_psf+filename, usecols=[6], skiprows=1) # pixel psfxw = np.loadtxt(foldername_psf+filename, usecols=[8], skiprows=1) # pixel psfyw = np.loadtxt(foldername_psf+filename, usecols=[10], skiprows=1) # pixel xdata = xdata[cut:] ydata = ydata[cut:] psfxw = psfxw[cut:] psfyw = psfyw[cut:] # Sigma clip per data cube (also masks invalids) try: XDATA_clip = sigma_clip(xdata, sigma=6, maxiters=1) YDATA_clip = sigma_clip(ydata, sigma=6, maxiters=1) PSFXW_clip = sigma_clip(psfxw, sigma=6, maxiters=1) PSFYW_clip = sigma_clip(psfyw, sigma=6, maxiters=1) except TypeError: XDATA_clip = sigma_clip(xdata, sigma=6, iters=1) YDATA_clip = sigma_clip(ydata, sigma=6, iters=1) PSFXW_clip = sigma_clip(psfxw, sigma=6, iters=1) PSFYW_clip = sigma_clip(psfyw, sigma=6, iters=1) # Combine masks for aperture photometry MASK = XDATA_clip.mask + YDATA_clip.mask + PSFXW_clip.mask + PSFYW_clip.mask # Convert masks into which indices to keep mask_psf = np.logical_not(MASK) # Combine masks in needed if 'pldaper' in mode.lower(): mask = np.logical_and(mask_pld, mask_aper) elif 'pld' in mode.lower(): mask = mask_pld elif 'psfx' in mode.lower(): mask = np.logical_and(mask_psf, mask_aper) else: mask = mask_aper # Apply masks if 'pld' in mode.lower(): #Transpose pixel stamp array for easier use stamp = stamp[mask].T if 'pldaper' not in mode.lower(): time = time[mask] flux = np.sum(stamp, axis=0).reshape(1,-1) #Normalize stamp pixel values by the sum of the stamp stamp /= np.sum(stamp, axis=0) if 'pldaper' in mode.lower() or 'pld' not in mode.lower(): flux = flux[mask] time = time[mask] xdata = xdata[mask] ydata = ydata[mask] psfxw = psfxw[mask] psfyw = psfyw[mask] factor = 1/(np.median(flux)) flux = factor*flux # redefining the zero centroid position if 'bliss' not in mode.lower(): mid_x, mid_y = np.mean(xdata), np.mean(ydata) xdata -= mid_x ydata -= mid_y if 'pld' in mode.lower(): if 'pld2' in mode.lower() or 'pldaper2' in mode.lower(): # Add on the 2nd order PLD pixel lightcurves stamp2 = stamp**2 stamp2 /= stamp2.sum(axis=0) stamp = np.append(stamp, stamp, axis=0) return stamp, flux, time else: return flux, time, xdata, ydata, psfxw, psfyw
[docs]def get_full_data(foldername, filename, mode, foldername_aper='', foldername_psf='', cut=0, nFrames=64, ignore=np.array([])): """Retrieve unbinned data. Args: path (string): Full path to the unbinned data file output by photometry routine. mode (string): The string specifying the detector and astrophysical model to use. path_aper (string, optional): Full path to the data file output by aperture photometry routine. cut (int, optional): Number of data points to remove from the start of the arrays. nFrames (int, optional): The number of frames that were binned together in the binned data. ignore (ndarray, optional): Array specifying which frames were found to be bad and should be ignored. Returns: tuple: flux (ndarray; Flux extracted for each frame), time (ndarray; Time stamp for each frame), xdata (ndarray; X-coordinate of the centroid for each frame), ydata (ndarray; Y-coordinate of the centroid for each frame), psfwx (ndarray; X-width of the target's PSF for each frame), psfwy (ndarray; Y-width of the target's PSF for each frame). """ if 'pld' in mode.lower(): if '3x3' in mode.lower(): npix = 3 elif '5x5' in mode.lower(): npix = 5 else: # FIX, throw an actual error print('Error: only 3x3 and 5x5 stamps for PLD are supported.') return stamp = np.loadtxt(foldername+filename, usecols=np.arange(int(npix**2)), skiprows=1) # electrons time = np.loadtxt(foldername+filename, usecols=[int(npix**2)], skiprows=1) # BMJD order = np.argsort(time) stamp = stamp[order][int(cut*nFrames):] time = time[order][int(cut*nFrames):] # Clip bad frames MASK = sigma_clip(stamp.sum(axis=1), sigma=6).mask+np.isnan(time) # Convert masks into which indices to keep mask_pld = np.logical_not(MASK) if 'pldaper' in mode.lower() or 'pld' not in mode.lower(): if 'pld' not in mode.lower(): foldername_aper = foldername flux = np.loadtxt(foldername_aper+filename, usecols=[0], skiprows=1) # electrons time = np.loadtxt(foldername_aper+filename, usecols=[1], skiprows=1) # hours xdata = np.loadtxt(foldername_aper+filename, usecols=[2], skiprows=1) # pixels ydata = np.loadtxt(foldername_aper+filename, usecols=[3], skiprows=1) # pixels psfxw = np.loadtxt(foldername_aper+filename, usecols=[4], skiprows=1) # pixels psfyw = np.loadtxt(foldername_aper+filename, usecols=[5], skiprows=1) # pixels order = np.argsort(time) flux = flux[order][int(cut*nFrames):] time = time[order][int(cut*nFrames):] xdata = xdata[order][int(cut*nFrames):] ydata = ydata[order][int(cut*nFrames):] psfxw = psfxw[order][int(cut*nFrames):] psfyw = psfyw[order][int(cut*nFrames):] # Sigma clip per data cube (also masks invalids) try: FLUX_clip = sigma_clip(flux, sigma=6, maxiters=1) XDATA_clip = sigma_clip(xdata, sigma=6, maxiters=1) YDATA_clip = sigma_clip(ydata, sigma=6, maxiters=1) PSFXW_clip = sigma_clip(psfxw, sigma=6, maxiters=1) PSFYW_clip = sigma_clip(psfyw, sigma=6, maxiters=1) except TypeError: FLUX_clip = sigma_clip(flux, sigma=6, iters=1) XDATA_clip = sigma_clip(xdata, sigma=6, iters=1) YDATA_clip = sigma_clip(ydata, sigma=6, iters=1) PSFXW_clip = sigma_clip(psfxw, sigma=6, iters=1) PSFYW_clip = sigma_clip(psfyw, sigma=6, iters=1) mask_nan = np.isnan(flux) # Combine aperture masks MASK = FLUX_clip.mask + XDATA_clip.mask + YDATA_clip.mask + PSFXW_clip.mask + PSFYW_clip.mask + mask_nan # Convert masks into which indices to keep mask_aper = np.logical_not(MASK) if 'psfx' in mode.lower(): foldername_psf = '/'.join(foldername.split('/')[:-2])+'/'+foldername_psf xdata = np.loadtxt(foldername_psf+filename, usecols=[2], skiprows=1) # pixels ydata = np.loadtxt(foldername_psf+filename, usecols=[3], skiprows=1) # pixels psfxw = np.loadtxt(foldername_psf+filename, usecols=[4], skiprows=1) # pixels psfyw = np.loadtxt(foldername_psf+filename, usecols=[5], skiprows=1) # pixels xdata = xdata[int(cut*nFrames):] ydata = ydata[int(cut*nFrames):] psfxw = psfxw[int(cut*nFrames):] psfyw = psfyw[int(cut*nFrames):] # Sigma clip per data cube (also masks invalids) try: XDATA_clip = sigma_clip(xdata, sigma=6, maxiters=1) YDATA_clip = sigma_clip(ydata, sigma=6, maxiters=1) PSFXW_clip = sigma_clip(psfxw, sigma=6, maxiters=1) PSFYW_clip = sigma_clip(psfyw, sigma=6, maxiters=1) except TypeError: XDATA_clip = sigma_clip(xdata, sigma=6, iters=1) YDATA_clip = sigma_clip(ydata, sigma=6, iters=1) PSFXW_clip = sigma_clip(psfxw, sigma=6, iters=1) PSFYW_clip = sigma_clip(psfyw, sigma=6, iters=1) # Combine aperture masks MASK = XDATA_clip.mask + YDATA_clip.mask + PSFXW_clip.mask + PSFYW_clip.mask # Convert masks into which indices to keep mask_psf = np.logical_not(MASK) # Combine masks in needed if 'pldaper' in mode.lower(): mask = np.logical_and(mask_pld, mask_aper) elif 'pld' in mode.lower(): mask = mask_pld elif 'psfx' in mode.lower(): mask = np.logical_and(mask_psf, mask_aper) else: mask = mask_aper # Apply masks if 'pld' in mode.lower(): #Transpose pixel stamp array for easier use stamp = stamp[mask].T if 'pldaper' not in mode.lower(): time = time[mask] flux = np.sum(stamp, axis=0).reshape(1,-1) #Normalize stamp pixel values by the sum of the stamp stamp /= np.sum(stamp, axis=0) if 'pldaper' in mode.lower() or 'pld' not in mode.lower(): flux = flux[mask] time = time[mask] xdata = xdata[mask] ydata = ydata[mask] psfxw = psfxw[mask] psfyw = psfyw[mask] factor = 1/(np.median(flux)) flux = factor*flux # redefining the zero centroid position if 'bliss' not in mode.lower(): mid_x, mid_y = np.mean(xdata), np.mean(ydata) xdata -= mid_x ydata -= mid_y if 'pld' in mode.lower(): if 'pld2' in mode.lower() or 'pldaper2' in mode.lower(): # Add on the 2nd order PLD pixel lightcurves stamp2 = stamp**2 stamp2 /= stamp2.sum(axis=0) stamp = np.append(stamp, stamp, axis=0) return stamp, flux, time else: return flux, time, xdata, ydata, psfxw, psfyw
[docs]def expand_dparams(dparams, mode): """Add any implicit dparams given the mode (e.g. GP parameters if using a Polynomial model). Args: dparams (ndarray): A list of strings specifying which parameters shouldn't be fit. mode (string): The string specifying the detector and astrophysical model to use. Returns: ndarray: The updated dparams array. """ modeLower = mode.lower() if 'ellipse' not in modeLower: dparams = np.append(dparams, ['r2', 'r2off']) elif 'offset' not in modeLower: dparams = np.append(dparams, ['r2off']) if 'v2' not in modeLower: dparams = np.append(dparams, ['C', 'D']) if 'poly' not in modeLower: dparams = np.append(dparams, ['c'+str(int(i)) for i in range(22)]) elif 'poly2' in modeLower: dparams = np.append(dparams, ['c'+str(int(i)) for i in range(7,22)]) elif 'poly3' in modeLower: dparams = np.append(dparams, ['c'+str(int(i)) for i in range(11,22)]) elif 'poly4' in modeLower: dparams = np.append(dparams, ['c'+str(int(i)) for i in range(16,22)]) if 'ecosw' in dparams and 'esinw' in dparams: dparams = np.append(dparams, ['ecc', 'anom', 'w']) if 'psfw' not in modeLower: dparams = np.append(dparams, ['d1', 'd2', 'd3']) if 'hside' not in modeLower: dparams = np.append(dparams, ['s0', 's0break', 's1', 's1break', 's2', 's2break', 's3', 's3break', 's4', 's4break']) if 'tslope' not in modeLower: dparams = np.append(dparams, ['m1']) if 'pld' not in mode.lower(): dparams = np.append(dparams, ['p0_0']) dparams = np.append(dparams, ['p'+str(int(i))+'_1' for i in range(1,26)]) dparams = np.append(dparams, ['p'+str(int(i))+'_2' for i in range(1,26)]) elif 'pld' in mode.lower(): if 'pld1' in mode.lower() or 'pldaper1' in mode.lower(): if '3x3' in mode.lower(): dparams = np.append(dparams, ['p'+str(int(i))+'_1' for i in range(10,26)]) dparams = np.append(dparams, ['p'+str(int(i))+'_2' for i in range(1,26)]) elif '3x3' in mode.lower(): dparams = np.append(dparams, ['p'+str(int(i))+'_1' for i in range(10,26)]) dparams = np.append(dparams, ['p'+str(int(i))+'_2' for i in range(10,26)]) if 'gp' not in modeLower: dparams = np.append(dparams, ['gpAmp', 'gpLx', 'gpLy']) return dparams
# FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def get_p0(dparams, obj): """Initialize the p0 variable to the defaults. Args: dparams (ndarray): A list of strings specifying which parameters shouldn't be fit. obj (object): An object containing the default values for all fittable parameters. #FIX: change this to dict later Returns: tuple: p0 (ndarray; the initialized values),\ fit_params (ndarray; the names of the fitted variables), fancy_labels (ndarray; the nicely formatted names of the fitted variables) """ function_params = obj['params'] fancy_names = obj['fancyParams'] fit_params = np.array([sa for sa in function_params if not any(sb in sa for sb in dparams)]) fancy_labels = np.array([fancy_names[i] for i in range(len(function_params)) if not function_params[i] in dparams]) p0 = np.zeros(len(fit_params),dtype=float) for i in range(len(fit_params)): p0[i] = obj[fit_params[i]] return p0, fit_params, fancy_labels
# FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def lnprior_gaussian(p0, priorInds, priors, errs): prior = 0 for i in range(len(priorInds)): prior -= 0.5*(((p0[priorInds[i]] - priors[i])/errs[i])**2.) return prior
# FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def lnprior_uniform(p0, priorInds, limits): if priorInds is None or len(priorInds)==0: # Need to evaluate this first, otherwise the next line would fail return 0 elif np.any(np.logical_or(np.array(limits)[:,0] > p0[priorInds], np.array(limits)[:,1] < p0[priorInds])): return -np.inf else: return 0
# FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def lnprior_gamma(p0, priorInd, shape, rate): if priorInd is not None: x = p0[priorInd]**2 alpha = shape beta = rate return np.log(beta**alpha * x**(alpha-1) * np.exp(-beta*x) / np.math.factorial(alpha-1)) else: return 0
# FIX: Add a docstring for this function
[docs]def lnprior_custom(p0, gpriorInds, priors, errs, upriorInds, uparams_limits, gammaInd): # Combine all the different priors return (lnprior_gaussian(p0, gpriorInds, priors, errs)+ lnprior_uniform(p0, upriorInds, uparams_limits)+ lnprior_gamma(p0, gammaInd, 1, 100))
# FIX - check if sigF in p0, otherwise use a fixed value passed in through signal_input or something
[docs]def lnlike(p0, flux, mode, signal_func, signal_inputs): """Evaluate the ln-likelihood at the position p0. Note: We assumine that we are always fitting for the photometric scatter (sigF). Args: p0 (ndarray): The array containing the n-D position to evaluate the log-likelihood at. p0_labels (ndarray): An array containing the names of the fitted parameters. signalfunc (function): The super function to model the astrophysical and detector functions. signal_input (list): The collection of other assorted variables required for signalfunc beyond just p0. Returns: float: The ln-likelihood evaluated at the position p0. """ if 'gp' in mode.lower(): temp_signal_inputs = deepcopy(signal_inputs) gpInd = np.where([partial_func.func.__name__=='detec_model_GP' for partial_func in temp_signal_inputs[-3]])[0][0] temp_signal_inputs[-1][gpInd][-1]=False model, gp = signal_func(p0, *temp_signal_inputs) return gp.log_likelihood(flux-model) else: # define model model = signal_func(p0, *signal_inputs) return loglikelihood(flux, model, p0[-1])
[docs]def lnprob(p0, flux, mode, p0_labels, signal_func, signal_inputs, gpriorInds, priors, errs, upriorInds, uparams_limits, gammaInd, positivity_func=None, positivity_labels=None): """Evaluate the ln-probability of the signal function at the position p0, including priors. Args: p0 (ndarray): The array containing the n-D position to evaluate the log-likelihood at. p0_labels (ndarray): An array containing the names of the fitted parameters. signalfunc (function): The super function to model the astrophysical and detector functions. lnpriorfunc (function): The function to evaluate the default ln-prior. signal_input (list): The collection of other assorted variables required for signalfunc beyond just p0. checkPhasePhis (ndarray): The phase angles to use when checking that the phasecurve is always positive. lnpriorcustom (function, optional): An additional function to evaluate the a user specified ln-prior function (default is None). Returns: float: The ln-probability evaluated at the position p0. """ lp = 0 # Evalute the prior first since this is much quicker to compute if positivity_func is not None: lp = positivity_func(**dict([[label, p0[i]] for i, label in enumerate(p0_labels) if label in positivity_labels])) if not np.isfinite(lp): return -np.inf lp += lnprior_custom(p0, gpriorInds, priors, errs, upriorInds, uparams_limits, gammaInd) if not np.isfinite(lp): return -np.inf lp += lnlike(p0, flux, mode, signal_func, signal_inputs) if not np.isfinite(lp): return -np.inf else: return lp
[docs]def chi2(data, fit, err): """Compute the chi-squared statistic. Args: data (ndarray): The real y values. fit (ndarray): The fitted y values. err (ndarray or float): The y error(s). Returns: float: The chi-squared statistic. """ #using inverse sigma since multiplying is faster than dividing inv_err = err**-1 return np.sum(((data - fit)*inv_err)**2)
[docs]def loglikelihood(data, fit, err): """Compute the lnlikelihood. Args: data (ndarray): The real y values. fit (ndarray): The fitted y values. err (ndarray or float): The y error(s). Returns: float: The lnlikelihood. """ #using inverse sigma since multiplying is faster than dividing inv_err = err**-1 len_fit = len(fit) return -0.5*np.sum(((data - fit)*inv_err)**2) + len_fit*np.log(inv_err) - len_fit*np.log(np.sqrt(2*np.pi))
[docs]def evidence(logL, Npar, Ndat): """Compute the Bayesian evidence. Args: logL (float): The lnlikelihood. Npar (int): The number of fitted parameters. Ndat (int): The number of data fitted. Returns: float: The Bayesian evidence. """ return logL - (Npar/2.)*np.log(Ndat)
[docs]def BIC(logL, Npar, Ndat): """Compute the Bayesian Information Criterion. Args: logL (float): The lnlikelihood. Npar (int): The number of fitted parameters. Ndat (int): The number of data fitted. Returns: float: The Bayesian Information Criterion. """ return -2.*evidence(logL, Npar, Ndat)
[docs]def binValues(values, binAxisValues, nbin, assumeWhiteNoise=False): """Bin values and compute their binned noise. Args: values (ndarray): An array of values to bin. binAxisValues (ndarray): Values of the axis along which binning will occur. nbin (int): The number of bins desired. assumeWhiteNoise (bool, optional): Divide binned noise by sqrt(nbinned) (True) or not (False, default). Returns: tuple: binned (ndarray; the binned values), binnedErr (ndarray; the binned errors) """ bins = np.linspace(np.nanmin(binAxisValues), np.nanmax(binAxisValues), nbin) digitized = np.digitize(binAxisValues, bins) binned = np.array([np.nanmedian(values[digitized == i]) for i in range(1, nbin)]) binnedErr = np.nanmean(np.array([np.nanstd(values[digitized == i]) for i in range(1, nbin)])) if assumeWhiteNoise: binnedErr /= np.sqrt(len(values)/nbin) return binned, binnedErr
[docs]def binnedNoise(x, y, nbin): """Compute the binned noise (not assuming white noise) Args: x (ndarray): The values along the binning axis. y (ndarray): The values which should be binned. nbin (int): The number of bins desired. Returns: ndarray: The binned noise (not assuming white noise). """ bins = np.linspace(np.min(x), np.max(x), nbin) digitized = np.digitize(x, bins) y_means = np.array([np.nanmean(y[digitized == i]) for i in range(1, nbin)]) return np.nanstd(y_means)
[docs]def getIngressDuration(p0_mcmc, p0_labels, p0_obj, intTime): """Compute the transit/eclipse ingress duration in units of datapoints. Warning - this assumes a circular orbit! Args: p0_mcmc (ndarray): The array containing the fitted values. p0_labels (ndarray): The array containing all of the names of the fittable parameters. p0_obj (object): The object containing the default values for non-fitted variables. intTime (float): The integration time of each measurement. Returns: float: The transit/eclipse ingress duration in units of datapoints. """ if 'rp' in p0_labels: rpMCMC = p0_mcmc[np.where(p0_labels == 'rp')[0][0]] else: rpMCMC = p0_obj['rp'] if 'a' in p0_labels: aMCMC = p0_mcmc[np.where(p0_labels == 'a')[0][0]] else: aMCMC = p0_obj['a'] if 'per' in p0_labels: perMCMC = p0_mcmc[np.where(p0_labels == 'per')[0][0]] else: perMCMC = p0_obj['per'] return (2*rpMCMC/(2*np.pi*aMCMC/perMCMC))/intTime
[docs]def getOccultationDuration(p0_mcmc, p0_labels, p0_obj, intTime): """Compute the full transit/eclipse duration in units of datapoints. Warning - this assumes a circular orbit! Args: p0_mcmc (ndarray): The array containing the fitted values. p0_labels (ndarray): The array containing all of the names of the fittable parameters. p0_obj (object): The object containing the default values for non-fitted variables. intTime (float): The integration time of each measurement. Returns: float: The full transit/eclipse duration in units of datapoints """ if 'rp' in p0_labels: rpMCMC = p0_mcmc[np.where(p0_labels == 'rp')[0][0]] else: rpMCMC = p0_obj['rp'] if 'a' in p0_labels: aMCMC = p0_mcmc[np.where(p0_labels == 'a')[0][0]] else: aMCMC = p0_obj['a'] if 'per' in p0_labels: perMCMC = p0_mcmc[np.where(p0_labels == 'per')[0][0]] else: perMCMC = p0_obj['per'] return (2/(2*np.pi*aMCMC/perMCMC))/intTime